Gwarp the Giant

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Percy/Perseus POV:

If I had, to be honest, I never had a thing for flying on brooms. The thought of being in Zeus's domain without a pegasus or one of his children in the same area made me nervous. It didn't help that Fred and his siblings seem to love flying up there in the air where I could not save them.

It gave me the heeby-jeebies when they would fly upside down and in loops just to avoid the bludgers. Who in their right mind thought a real-life Quidditch game and tournament would be a good idea to have at a school? Why not have more safety measures to make up for the sheer amount of danger that this school is riddled with?

Fights in the halls between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had us all on our toes. They were not even close to the fights Slytherin and Gryffindor would have, those were brutal, but they were still a bit intense. The song "Weasley is our King" seemed to be the new hit even in Ravenclaw, seeing as Slytherin supported them. All I did was to stand there and watch the kiddies having spats in the kiddie pool while the adults were having a small war in the real pool. The real world where I was forced to lead Death Eater raids. The real world where my mom was getting closer to popping by the day.

I couldn't wait until I would become a big brother. My mom had once exclaimed jokingly that I was more interested in the kid than she and Paul was.

The Quidditch match was today and the tension was worse than ever. I noticed that a small betting pool was in action, but I never placed a bet. I doubted Gryffindor would get anywhere now without Fred, George and Harry Freaking Potter on the team.

I went to classes as always, brewing the perfect potion and turned a cat into a cauldron. I tried to read what was in the Defense Against the Dark Art's books to no avail. By the time I was done with my homework for the week the match had already started. Maybe I shouldn't do my homework as soon as I get it, then again this match shouldn't be that interesting.

The stadium was roaring, but not as loud as they used to when Fred and George where on the field and in the air. One thing I noticed was the song they were singing though. More specifically the Gryffindors. It was "Weasley is our King". Both Slytherin and Gryffindor was singing it, but with different lyrics. The most amazing thing though was how all of them kept the tempo of the song in check. 

They had started to sing fairly quickly. I would have thought they would have waited for about twenty more minutes to start singing.

Looking over at the Gryffindor tribune I noticed Hagrid not so discreetly get Hermione Granger and Harry Freakinf Potter to follow him towards the Forbidden Forest. The strange thing was that no one other than me seemed to notice, everyone was too busy watching Ronald Weasley pull off stunts to protect the rings, and Ginny Weasley swoop and dive after the snitch.

Stuffing my hands into my robes I walked after them, hidden in the shadows.

Hermione POV:

I had a nagging feeling someone or something was following us, but whoever or whatever it was had serious skills in staying hidden. There were no slip-ups and if I hadn't such great instincts after years of being around Harry, I would have thought we were alone.

Nudging Harry I whispered at him as we followed Hagrid into the woods. "Harry! You feel that right? Someone or something is following us." he looked like he agreed but then he shook his head, "We are probably getting paranoid eh? It probably nothing."

I noticed however that he had his hand on his wand as well as his eyes peeled for any sign of being followed or watched. He could become a great Auror, speaking of which, I forgot to ask him how the Carrier Advice with McGonagall went. 

Just as I was about to ask him, Hagrid stopped and turned to us. "He is close. Don't be scared of him, he is just a little big and clumsy, that's all." his face turned sour, "I need someone to watch him. I don't think the Toad will let me stay here for much longer, either that or the parents will start sending complaints." we followed him for twenty more seconds into the woods, "All I ask for you is to talk to him once in a while, and hopefully teach him English."

My body froze at the sight in front of me, it was a giant. "He is all I have left. I think he might be my half-brother. I met him while on the Order mission." the giant grunted and looked at Hagrid, "This, Gwarp, is 'arry and 'ermione. They are my friends."

The giant looked at us and I backed slightly up. My instincts were telling me to run the freak away from this creature. It looked strong, dominant and not exactly intelligent enough to know about personal space. Harry got a large chocolate colored eye right up in his face and I. I was soon up in his hand as he studied me. Tensing up I ignored Hagrid as he tried to gently tell his maybe-half-brother to put me down. "Gwarp! Put me down!" I looked him in the eye and gave him the same look my mom gives anyone that opposes her or my dad, "DOWN!"

Gwarp didn't seem to like that but obeyed me anyway and put me none too gently down next to Hagrid and Harry. Stumbling slightly I gave a smirk at the snickering Harry. He knew that my 'stare' would get Gwarp to listen. I growled slightly at him playfully, "You could have helped you know."  he gave me a cheeky grin, "Nah, you had it in the bag 'Mione." I slapped him over the head, "Its Hermione."

Hagrid looked at us with a fond but serious look. "Can you come and visit him from time to time? I might not stay here much longer thanks to The Toad and Gwarp needs company. Giants like being in groups, but I just couldn't let him stay with the others. They were hurting him! Please?" he gave us the puppy dog look and we exchanged glances, "Fine. We will try our best to come as often as possible."

The sound of hooves thundering against the forest floor caught our attention. Hagrid was soon surrounded by centaurs, males, and females standing there with hairy bare chests. Their bows and crossbows were drawn. I am not one for swearing but... Oh crap.


Percy/Perseus POV:

I excused myself as soon as I felt hooves thundering. I knew the centaurs would either hate having me in their forest or love it and find the opportunity to call me a The Savior in front of the wizards. These were not Party Ponies, they were wilder, more animalistic than the kind that originated from Greece. Their kind was older and less evolved, but still intelligent.

When I got closer to the Quidditch arena I noticed the singing had gotten louder. Feet thundered and the tribunes thundered. Any wild animals had fleed as the sound and the bludgers flying over the place had scared them away.  









I smiled slightly and walked off into the castle. A roar came from the Gryffindors in the distance and I knew Gryffindor had won. How fun.

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