Never insult centaurs, especially not Harris

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A/n: I have now fixed the cover for the next book (the sequel). It will have the same grey horse on it but now I need a name for it. What shall the next book name be? I want it to fit with the first words "Yo Percy" so it will have a calm laid back feel to it. PM me or just comment here. Thank you.

3'rd person POV:

Harry sprang up the steps towards the hospital wing. It was a pretty familiar road for him. Percy, however, looked a bit confused at all those turns and twists that they had to take. He after all never used the hospital wing thanks to his powers and godly food. He just followed along anyway, Harry was now an ally and he had quite missed being with the celebrity. They had lost almost all contact after his sorting other than in Defence Defyers. Their mutual hatred of the pink toad had brought them together more tightly than anything else could. Hatred and pain were after all the best motivator.

The Boy Who Lived knocked on the wooden door of the hospital wing, a lime green caduceus was painted on the double doors. Soon Madame Pomfrey stormed up to the double doors and opened one of them harshly, "What? Don't you think I'm busy? Unless one of you is deadly injured or sick then shoo!"

The nurse was about to close the door when Harry put one of his feet in the doorway knowing she would not close it forcefully and hurt a student. "We need to warn McGonagall-" Madame Pomfrey held up a finger to halt Harry. "McGonagall is going to McGonagone if you continue to halt me in my work, she is to be transported to St. Mungos." She nodded to herself, "Good day!" she closed the door and a sign appeared on the door, "DO NOT DISTURB UNLESS A LIFE OR DEATH". 

A painting of a man in black robes and war helmet snorted and twirled his scythe, "If she does not die then one of your precious Order will. Or maybe even a bratty baby." his oily face frowned, "Urg, more work for me then." Hermione frowned at the painting, "I still don't know why they have a painting of YOU next to the hospital wing. Why have a painting of the god of death here?" the painting wagged a finger at her, "Because they know how the world works. What would you want, the god of cheer here?" he waved a hand over his shoulder in a dismissive matter and walked over to the painting next to him where a bunch of characters was drinking wine. "Oh please girl, they are just being realistic. Someone will certainly die today. I am never wrong." one Viking drank from his horn, "Yeah, other than with Di Angelo." the god of death snarled, "SILENCE!"

The golden trio just gave the painting dirty looks before walking down the staircase, Percy, however, looked pale. The other three thought nothing of it and believed he was just superstitious, believing in voodoo and stuff. Well, voodoo was real but the point is made.

Percy trotted after the golden trio, lead by a fuming Harry. Percy swore he could see some steam coming out of his ears. What he didn't know was that Harry was blessed by Lyssa, a goddess that had a great influence on The Boy Who Lived. Even Draco could feel the anger coming in waves from the celebrity. He let out a squeak and scurried off down the halls, he knew better than to antagonize the hothead now.

Hermione got a burst of speed and walked at top speed next to her friend. "Harry, we can't know if this is a ploy by Voldemort to get you to go there. He wants you to fall for it!" he boy glowered, "Well it's working, he has my attention. He will taste my fury if he has hurt Si-Padfoot. I can't lose another one I care about. " Hermione shook her head, "Look, Harry, I know you love him as a father, and that he loves you like a son. But this can end badly, I don't think he would want you to throw yourself into this."

Percy mumbled to himself next to Ron, "My cousin always said that all joy was birthed from pain and that all love will end in bloodshed." Ron blinked and looked at him strangely, "Who the bloody hell is your cousin? That is just depressive." he scrunched up his long nose at the end, his freckles looked like liquid Doritos was sprayed on his face.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampWhere stories live. Discover now