1 week to Valentine 1 week to the truth

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A/n: I have gone over my plans for the love stories in this Fanfic and I wonder how I can be so mean. You guys have some stuff just waiting for you.

Mom has been watching some sappy love series on Netflix and it has given me ideas. However, I am also TheSkyElf so a Happy Ever After can come, but with a sour aftertaste of depression from the characters involved. =) 

Just saying. When I decided on who likes who, and how it would end with their relationship, one of them made me laugh like a psycho. I will be posting books on my other user as well HowlingStarlitNight soon so if you like Attack on Titan some stories might pop up there soon. I have also now published a book here on this user where you guys can ask me questions. Either about my books or about me.

 Either about my books or about me

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Onto the chapter. Oh and there will be swearing and savageness. 


George POV:
I think I found out who the blond person is. The one I suddenly felt a connection to when I flew over by the lake with Fred before Christmas.

Why does it have to be Malfoy though? WHY? It won't end well I just know it. I have noticed that he has his eyes on someone else entirely, Harry. Harry, however, didn't seem to be interested at all. Harry didn't seem to have his eye on anyone, well anyone but Ron. Ronnie was, however, Ronnie and had his eyes on food.

My heart would not allow me not to love Draco though, even if he would never return it. Never.

I was bound to live out my life alone, alone except for my family and Percy since he now tags along with Fred. My family was whole. PPercy was back and mingling, Fred was happy with his boyfriend but I would forever watch as my precious had his eyes for someone else.

Draco hates monsters, he fears them. How would he ever feel comfortable enough around me for his guard to be let down and his soul to seek out mine? A day? A week? A year? A decade? Never?

The more I watched him the more certain I felt it would be the last alternative. Draco would flinch whenever I looked at him but oogle at Harry.  He and I would never happen. I would just have to suffice with being on his good side, maybe even faint friends. 

With a week left until Valentine's day, I was planning to send him a letter telling him my feelings. Nothing special, just maybe a few lockpicks as a gift, some chocolate and then the letter. 

I didn't pay much attention as I was walking around on the castle grounds. I could see Hagrid play fetch with Fang and some fifth-year Hufflepuffs play poker with some Gryffindors. Draco was sitting under a tree with Fred and Percy. I had been with them this afternoon but I had the need for a small stretch. At least that's what I said. As I walked around the lake I think I found the real reason.

Sitting next to Draco hurt. Because he had no interest in me. So I made sure he was not within watching distance.

I looked up in the sky watching the clouds float by. Suddenly on the horizon, a large figure appeared. 

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