I'm not Okay, Yes I'm Gay

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A/n: this song reminds me of the day I went to school after my grandfather suddenly died and my friends (oblivious) asked how I was doing. I am of course honest and told them, "I'm not okay. My grandfather died yesterday". They funny thing is that they wanted to say and do something, but it ended up with one of them just holding me in a awkward hug. None of us are good with feelings.

Oh and please no spam with all my spelling fails. I am okay when someone just points it nicely out, but I do not appreciate spams and comments like *This is so wrong I cry*. I love yall readers and I enjoy your comments.

Super long chapter for yall!

Percy POV:

The power I felt when the crown of upper and lower Egypt was on my head was.....extrodinary. As soon as it was on my head it shrinked, it became a small volture that I easily placed on my cirklet. It fit right in, like it always was supposed to be there.

As I raced back to Hogwarts with my broom and portkey I let my disguise of Granger drop. I could not help but to feel remorse for Carter, he only wanted to help, but like Nekbhet told me afterwards 'never trust a stranger enoth too let your guard down'. Lets hope he did not get to much hurt, nor that he searches after a Hermione Granger. Granger have afterall done nothing.

It was one day until the Winter holidays and several Slytherins have signed up on staying, many others however are going home. The rumor of my mother joining the Dark lords right hand probed several to look at me. Some are now following my every command while the others are scared of me. But the best thing? Noone outside Slytherin house had any clue. Well mabye some few might haev some idea something was up.

The Weasley twins. Those two seemed to give me side glances and look after something different in me. Draco had pointed that out to me, he found that 'freaky deeky'. The two twins did not look angry, nor like they were hungry (much), but more like confused. Why would they be confused, did they see me sneak out of Hogwarts?

The twins stared at me from a tree. It was a 'resess' and I had decided to take some air. I walked up to them pearching on the top branches. "Why have you spied on me this last week? Am I that hot?"

The last comment was a bit cocky, I know, but I got rewarded with Fred blushing scarlet. Fred stuttered a little, "N-no why would we check you out?" "I did not mention something about checking me out Fred, but I will pretend you didnt say that" I raised my eyebrows at them, prompting them to continue. They did not say anything more, they just returned their attencion back to an ithem. Probably something for pranks.

I was a little miffed when I walked into DADA. I have a strange feeling that the twins know something, mabye not all, but something atleast. Umbridge seemed glad that I was in a bad mood, like someone just gifted her a box with kittens.

"Good afternoon class!" "Good afternoon Professor" "Good afternoon Cupcake" everyone turned compleatly quiet, noone knew who said it. Umbridge glared at us all before turning to the blackboard, "Today we are go to read page 493, there will be no need to talk."

It took a while, but Umbrige finaly noticed someone new. A person was sitting in one of the normaly empty seat. It looked like he was an adult, but he was much shorter than a normal human. He also had on a baseball cap and had his own bat strapped to his back. He had no pants on, his shaggy goat legs dangled from the seat.

Umbrige glared at the dude. It was Coach Hedge! "And who are you mr?" "My name is Gleason Hedge cupcake. I worked for a school of ungreatful punks in America. I got whiff that this school is filled with them. I will watch the students, be a teacher they can talk to if they need it. I am also with Filch on guard patrol after the punk's bedtime, and if I cantch them..." Hedge mimicked a homerun.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora