'U okay Snape Shake? Draco, why are you here?

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A/N: please dont spam me with grammar/spelling correction, I simply do not care, or else I would not have relesed it. Tips to the storyline is very much appreciated.

Percy POV:

I looked at Severus in his bed, he was sleeping. Severus had of course refused to stay in the hostpital wing, so he was here, in his own chambers. We had to chug down lots of nectar to even trust him to sleep here.

Severus's chambers was not depressive and dark, it was more in the red's. It was kind of ironic how Severus's have a grudge against Gryffindors, but that his 'home' at Hogwarts was in red.

The room was a deep blood red, that looked like blood was running down. The walls and various tables and shelves was also filled with pictures of Camp, torture, war, Lily, and his mother. His furniure was mostly dark oak and birch wood. Severus, as always, had been a duble spy so his bed was a sharp purple. He had been in the roman legion a few years before going MIA, Missing In Action. His roman mark was on his right forearm, gramp had put the darkmark on the other.

Most of the floor had no rug, Severus did not like the thought of dust in them, but there was one at the marble 'n tumbled green goldstone bathroom and at the coffe table/guest area. The rug at he bathroom was a nice mint color while the one by the coffe table was a raspberry pink.

The whole quarters were comfortable and warm, if you ignored the paintings of devestation on the walls.

Severus groaned a little as he tried to roll over on his injured leg. He was still hurt, we could only use so much ambrosia and nectar, didnt want to make him burn up. Speaking of burning up, Severus looked like he had a fever.

I moved the blanked off Severus's ingjured leg and removed his bandage. His leg was even paler than the rest of him, the punctures where the myrmeke bit was black, swollen and irritated. Poison, I forgot in the heat of saving Severus's life that myrmekes are higthly poisonous. I am no healer but I could kind of feel the poison in there. I realy am a kelphead.

I took my wand out, "Accio boezar!", nothing, "Accio myrmeke poison remedy!". Crashes was heard in the distance. I stood there waiting, listening as valuebales got smashed along the way. CRASH! CRASH! SMASH! CRUNCH! A big flask with a blueish, silverish liquid flew into my open hand.

I cracked open the flask with my teeth and forced Severus's mouth open. Severus tried to fight back but, now that the poison was working, he was weaker. I felt bad for him, he did not know what was going on, but I am saving his life. I plugged his nose so he would swollow, he would not be able to breathe. In the end Snape had to swollow, he soon fell asleep again.

I walked out to the kitchen to make myself some food, and mabye some to Severus too. Mum have afterall learnt me some things, cooking is easy when you have her as your teacher. As I showed the purple curtains aside I was met with the sight of Draco sitting crosslegged on the dinnertable. He was digging inn on a honeyglazed lamb leg, no fork, no knife, just hands and teeth. It was like watching a caveman rip into his prey.

Draco looked up from his food, "yew 'are twooo?" I think he said 'You here too?' but who knows what can come out of Dracos mouth when he's not in public. I just raised an eyebrow at him, "Where did you get the lamb? Who did you steal it from?" Draco gasped and put a hand over his heart, honey around his mouth. "How could you think so lowly of me? Oh and its not lamb, its zebra foal. Yes I am eating your people, deal with it, they taste delicious. I have seen you eat sushi, you eat your own people, dont try to deny it."

We continued to talk and joke around. I found out that honey zebra leg tastes delicious, like Draco said, and that Draco can get stranger than a drunk person. He could mumble songs under his breath and then suddenly start a opera in the middle of a sentence. I thougth that my ADHD was bad, but Draco without his pills is impossible.

I bid goodbye to Draco as he dumped a whole zebra without its left leg into Severus's freezer. Poor Severus, the first thing he will see is a dead zebra stareing at him. I heard Severus groan in his room, better take some painkillers and sandwitches with me.

As I walked to the bedroom I could not help but let my mind wonder to a certain redhead. No Percy, it would never happen.  I shook my head before focusing on Severus, he needs my help, not Fred. When did the Weasel start to become Fred?


A/N: This first part of Dracos pov will contain adult jokes. The rest is safe.

Draco POV:

Zoom zoom zoom! I like it when things go boom. Zoom zoom zoom! A dumpster? Boom boom boom! I am probably deranged, not that it have ever been changed. Not that anyone know this, it is hidden like my mums tits! Few knows my strangeness, like it is just dad that has seen all of mum. I know that for sore, I have ran into them when he had to cum! Oh yeah I am the unfortuneate child, who had seen his parents wild. Is this why I am so strange? I have got a better mental range than, Potter! Oh Potter, what a looker. But I cant fuck with him or I will be seen as a hooker. I should probably stop, because Voldemort is right there. But you are probably glad that I have nothing more to share.

A/N: safe from now on. You are probably wondering where I am, well I am at Tom's Place. Tom neeeds a way to get inside Hogwarts, revenge is neeeded. No not against The Boy Who Lived but against Dumbledorel. Dumbeldore destroyed his life, made him go insane and hurt People. The insane Voldemort recruited Familys, took their freedom. Some Familys did actually have the vievs that Insane Voldemort had, like Luci-dad, but the others was Imperioed by Dumbledore so the old coot could make a large enemy to destroy/help destroy.

Dumbledore expected Potter to die with his parents, but when he didnt he would have to control his life from there. Potter was supposed to stay with the Longbottoms or the Weasleys, atleast thats what the documents I stole said. I might not like Potter too much, even if I have to act mean, but if Severus's Sources from McGonnagal was right, then the home Potter lived in was not good.

I rapped my knuckles on the mahogony door and it was soon swung open by a tall houseelf, Hink if I remember right. "I want to give a rapport to Tom, can you tell me where he is?"

Hink bobbed his head so his ears flapped like wings, his eyes nervous, "Young Master Malfoy follow me, Lord and Lady Riddle are in the cinema room."

The Young elf was sort of... goth. He had piercings on his left ear, a black tunik with chains as a neckclaps. His glowing green eyes was lined with eyeliner that made them stand out even more. Most elves had almost no hair, but Hink had his in a Mohawk/ponytail with the ponytail going down his hip. If my eyes was not deciveing me, Hink had his nails painted in black. This guy was cool.

I asked Hink about his outfit as we walked. I did not want him nervous, had to loosen him up "Hink only use leftovers that Lord Riddle have given us permission to use to our own needs. Hink loves fashion magazines so Hink try to be a mordern elf. Lady Riddle showed me a Picture of Lady Thalia Grace. Lady Grace have good fachion so I learn from Young Lady Grace. My brother Link is obsessed with this Zeal and tries to impress her with green cloth, hat and some dumb leather. It is disdainful, no fachionsence. We are here Young Master Malfoy." And with that Hink was gone.

For the second time today, I rapped my knuckles against a mahogany door. The sound from inside quieted and I heard a "come inn".

There on a throne was Voldemort, his evil red eyes boring into me. "You are late Draco Malfoy ...........................CRUCIO MAXIMA!" and with that I screamed.

A/N: I will soon be on a boat to Kiel (Germany) so I may not be able to send out a Chapter while on the boat

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A/N: I will soon be on a boat to Kiel (Germany) so I may not be able to send out a Chapter while on the boat.

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