Advise From The Closest of Friends

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Written the 21 st of June 2018

A/n: School ended yesterday, so I am finally a bit free.  I have also just discovered some  brilliant Sherlock fanfictions that I just had to read. Thanks to that, I have gotten atleast five new intresting plots for new fanfictions. Sorry this chapter came a bit...late, but remember that I am human too.


Chiron trotted forwards and kneeled with his front legs, "Lord Poseidon why have you blessed us with your arrival." the rest of the camp kneeled like Chiron. Mr.D grunted from his Diet coke, "Di Immortales Chiron, that is not big P. That one is an imposter. Show your true self and I might not turn you into a dolphin."

"Awwie... mr.D why did you have to ruin the fun? So guys, how's it doing here?"

Everybody but Mr. D shouted "PERCY?!", well and I because I shouted "Prissy!" Where has this gigantic goldfish been?


Percy/Perseus POV:

I let my gaze swim over the other campers, Lady Nekhbet was whispering about their weakness in my mind. It was easy to block her out, she always spoke of others weakness unless she was directly proven otherwize, plus, I knew her wrong.

My subconsiousness noted Annabeths usual place at the Athena table was empty. So she was still in a coma then, or mabye still in bed under someone's care. Mabye I should visit her the short time I will be here.

I noticed that Piper was next to her siblings, her fork with salad halfway to her mouth. Piper, she might help me with the Oh-my-gods-does-Fred-like-me dilemma. Then again, she is female and might not see things exactly like a gay male would, but who in the world- is both gay and mabye previously intrested in me- can help me?

The Daily Prophet felt cold and uncomfortable in my hands. I realy wondered how they could just ignore the obvious signs of Voldemort starting his reign again. While I might not like Voldemort, or Dumbledore for causing Voldemort to exist, the Perseus part of me realy wanted to let out some steam on some of the lesser witches and wizards.

I waved my hand in a awkward was as I finished my coffee. 

In a blur of brown, blond and black I suddenly found myself on the flood with Leo giving me a full out hug together with Thalia and Piper. Jason stood watching it all with a smile on his face, so was the rest of camp and the other remaining Seven.

When they released me from their fierce grip, Frank in his Preator gown reached me a hand to help me up from my floored position. "Hey man, long time no see. What have you been doing these past four months? We only manadged to weasel out of Chiron that you had traveled to England." I felt a small taste of shame, I never realy told them everything.

"Well Frank, I have recently found out that my grandfather is actually alive. My mom and I always thougth he died in a plane crash together with grandma, when mom was young. Then we found grandpa alive again a few years later, but then we thought he had been murdered after that, so we thougth we lost him again. We kinda just had to be near him for a few months to reassure ourselves that he is alive and not leaving again. It have been a roller coaster of feelings these last months and we needed some time to adjust." This was all technacly true, but I just never mentioned the upcoming wizard war or anything about magic.

My closest friends had a look of understanding on their face. I noticed that the whole camp was listening in on the private conversation, but tried to look like they were eating, key word: tried.

Piper smiled at me, her eyes brimming with feelings. "It must have been hard on your mom and yourself too. I do hope you three get to have your cuality time together, you deserve it after all that confusion. So what are you doing here, what do you plan on doing?"

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