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A/n: My dear readers. I am bored lately and I love your comments so don't hesitate to comment. And give me tips since I LOVE it. Like what do you think about my dam puns? I am shore they will drown you with the sass that comes like waves over you. Maybe I should introduce Leo, I am shore it will be lit. 

Important message at the bottom of this chapter.

Percy POV:

I was laying in one random bed in the hospital wing twirling Riptide in between my fingers. I didn't have anything better to do anyway, Draco was not here to constantly nag me about the Slytherin meetings and courts, so I could not think of anything to do. Reading was boring. Sleeping was hard, and snoozing was impossible to do when Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were talking to their heart's content in their own beds next to him. The nurse had given me mint colored pajamas that felt soft on my skin. The others wore them too.

Harry was up with Dumbledore in the headmaster's office probably being handed information that would have saved both time, money and lives if it had been given to him earlier. I honestly can't believe how people still adore Dumb-As-A-Door. He has only now for the first time in forever actually done something, and that was to duel my grandfather when he knew he would have the Ministry coming in as an audience. 

My thoughts wandered over to my family. I had to visit my mom one more time before the summer, she was probably pretty large now and I just can't miss some of her pregnancy. The problem is that the creature borne out of my grandfather thanks to Dumbledore would probably punish me for siding with the enemy. It's not like I sided with anyone, I just thought that visions sent to a child's mind were a cowards way to victory.

Dracos funeral would be happening at Malfoy Manor in two weeks. The rest of the family would need to get ready and since none wanted his body to be turned into a zombie for battle he would be cremated and put in an urn. It would be a greek styled urn with the Malfoy, M, on it.

Right now the body was frozen solid in a box at Nico's funeral service. I had just barely seen him right before the portkey transported me here but I knew for sure that Dracos body would be well taken care of. I wondered if it was too late to ask Nico to talk with Dracos spirit. His parents might want to hear from him as well to hear what happened. I knew Malfoy Senior and Narcissa loved Draco more than gold and riches so they would probably need to hear from him.

The doors of the hospital wing open and a tired Harry walks in. 

The Boy Who Just Won't Die collapsed onto one of the beds (the one with his name on it)and squirmed to get under the sheets. "Dumbledore was pretty much useless for information. Most of it we could have easily found out ourselves if Umbridge had not been here." he rolled over, "By the way, Umbridge got saved by Dumbles."

Ron groaned form a couple of beds away, "Why didn't he just let her die?" Hermione tried to look angry at the comment but everyone could see she agreed, "Dumbledore is probably hoping for her to back off since he saved her life. A life debt of sorts." 

My beautiful Fred snorted from the bed next to me. His brother George was looking pale and depressed and it hit me right in the heart. Even I could see that the guy fancied Draco at some level, how much I don't know and probably never will. "We all know the woman will just come and bite us in the end just out of spite. She would never do life debts unless it's from Fudge."

George just turned over in his bed, quiet. The poor thing.

Harry engaged with us all in small talk before he stood up, "I'm gonna check up on Hagrid."  he said before walking out. We all exchanged glances as we all knew he was lying. Harry had experienced horrible things and had lead several people to their death, directly and indirectly, it was bound to have emotionally damaged him.

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