A Little With Draco

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Draco POV
I ran to the owlery with the owl while almost screeching with happiness that Perce would probably be in school with me.

I knew Percy from Camp Half-Blood (CHB). I am a son of Hermes but have been blessed by Nike for helping her out with a bunch of stuff, so I was really fast. My mother is a descendant of Apollo (who isn't) so that's where I got my singing and poetry talent. Hermes is the fastest Olympian but Nike is the goddess of strength, victory, and speed so I was great to carry messages.

I was now in my room at Malfoy Manor. Voldemort has thought to have the base here but changed his mind when he broke free of the spell cast by Dumbledore. My room was full with the stash that I have nicked from others, food, lamps, wands are just a small fraction of what I have in here.

I had an armor stand where I had put the helmet on.

It now had tight (but flexible) brown/black drakon hide pants and shirt with a place to place a wand at the wrists.
My greek helmet was also there, black with red unbreakable glass before the place where the eyes are. The horsehair pummels on it was a great red and green, the same color that the wings on either side of the helmet were.
combat boots were right next to the stand, they had celestial bronze spikes on so I could kick monster ass.
Then my beautiful sword was in a weponrack (with more wepons of course). It was a nice celestial bronze and steel sword with the name BackBiter, it was my brother's sword, it had chosen me to own it in the same way a wand chooses the wizard.

I whent to my (stolen of course) X-box and started playing a shootinggame. I learned how to play from Luke, *sight* the name that always made me a bit sad.
Where was Luke now, Elysium, the fields of punishment, with Charon whaiting for a hike to hades?

Voldemort POV
I was currently writhing to Mr.Potter to say sorry, this is what I got

To Mr. Potter
hello, this is a apology-letter. I have so many people to say sorry to but you should be the first.
I realy apologise for everything that I have done to you and your friends, I was under a powerful spell (cast by a strong wizard) that managed to take controll of me.
I offer to help if you would need assistance in the future, I swear on my magic that I will try if I can.

From Tom Marvalo Riddle (Voldemort)

I knew that he will be suspicious but I could not do much about it. Mabye he will use my offer and see that I am truly sorry.

I will probably wisit Sally and Percy soon, that will be fun. I will stay with the Tom look since the Voldemort look was just creepy.

An/ here shadowray17 I heard your call for a chapter (I just noticed when I looked around) I think next will be of when Percy and Sally meet Tom again.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant