
2.6K 77 40

Najia pov

Tae knocked on the door.i knocked after him.he chuckled.kai opened the door.

"Panda!"said kai.i waved at him.

"Kai you can't answer the door!"yelled Angelica.

"But panda is here!"said kai.angelica looked at us.she was shocked.

"Wait you are panda father?"said Angelica.

"Yeah and her name is Najia not panda."said tae.

"You know I am totally single."said Angelica.i rolled my eyes.kai made a face of disgust.

"Umm Kaiden you ready to go?"asked tae.kai nodded.i grabbed kai hand.we went to the car.tae hop in.

"You should meet my pet panda."

"You have pet panda!?"yelled kai.

"No cuz papa say no to having a panda so I named my dog panda."

"You need to come to my house to see my pet goldfish."said kai.

"Speaking of goldfish!we should play goldfish when we get to my house!"

"We should play speed too!"he said.then tae phone rang.he answered.i ignored what kai was saying and focus on tae.

"Ummm But ain't that scheduled for tomorrow through......Well I got a problem then.......no she is fine.it just i schedule play date for her today at my house......are you sure?......Okay."said tae.he hanged up.

"We not going home are we?"

"Sorry Ddal."said tae.kai look confused.

"Where we going?"

"To the dance studio."said tae.he drove to the dance studio.we got out the car.kai poke me.i poke him back.

"You can't poke me you have cooties!"said kai.

"I guess you will be sick with me."i smirked.he started running around the car.i ran after him.

"J,kai!stop running in the parking lot!"said tae.i touch kai.

"Now you got it!"i ran to the building while kai chase after me.

"Stop running!"said tae.i ran into the dance studio.i ran around jhope who was talking to suga.

"You can't catch me!"i ran around the room.he hug me.

"I caught you!i win!"said kai.

"But I caught you first!so I won first!"

"So we both win!"we did our handshake

"Wait do it again.i didn't record it!"said jin.

"I recorded it."said tae.

"But our handshake better."said jungkook.

"They have a handshake?"asked kai in low tone.

"What is your handshake?"

The guys laughed at them.

"Ours better."said kai in my ear.i nodded.i grabbed his hand.i sat in my usually spot.i grabbed my laptop.i plug the earbuds in.i gave one earbud to kai.

"We should watch some slime videos."said kai.

"What's that?"kai started typing in YouTube videos.


We watched as the lady made the green slime turn pink.then a creepy monster popped up on screen.we both jumped at it.the monster looked like a creepy old lady.

"I am momo."said the lady on the screen.her voice sounded scary.kai hugged on me.i started shaking.

"If you don't listen to me i will be in your nightmares!"yelled momo.we screamed.i covered my eyes.then someone took the laptop from us.it was suga.

"What the fuck is this?"Said suga.

"Ain't that momo."said jimin.

"What is a momo?"asked tae.

"I thought it was just a joke but apparently mom is a ugly looking monster that pops up on random kid video to scare the kids into doing stupid things like putting a fork in a wall outlit or like cutting themselves with a sharp object."said jimin.

"Looks like no more YouTube for you.j"said kookie.i can live without YouTube.i nodded.

"J.kai.you guys okay?"asked tae.

"Yea."said kai.

"Yeah."Then suga put the laptop away.they continued their practice.me and kai played games on tae phone.after practice tae dropped kai back home.

"See you Monday.panda!"said kai.i waved back.kai ran to his house.

"I am sorry Ddal that today didn't go as plan."said tae

"It's okay.i just wanted to hangout with kai today.so mission accomplished."I smiled.

adopted by Taehyung(under editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя