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Najia pov

We walked in the house.

"Yay!we finally home!"i ran around the house.

"No running in house!"said tae.i ran back to him.he was locking the door.he grabbed our suitcases and went to his room.i climbed onto the bed and jumped on it.

"J,stop jumping."i laid on the bed.he chuckled.

"Cuddle with me!"he laid next me.i laid my head on his chest.he rubbed my back.

"Feels good to be home."said tae.he smiled.then his phone rang.he answered it.

"Hello?......actually Can you just come over.cuz j is tired of traveling.....yes ma'am.....yes ma'am......I will see you when you get here."he said.he hanged up.

"Who is coming over?"

"My mom which is your grandma."he said.i nodded.my stomach growled.

"Let's see what we got in the kitchen."he said.we went to kitchen.he checked the cabinets.

"Lets order some food online.you want some noodles?"he asked.i nodded.

"J,you Okay?"he asked.i nodded.

"Then why you not speaking?"he asked.i shrugged.

"Najia,that's not an answer."he said.

"I don't know."he nodded.

"Well while we wait let watch some tv."he said.we went to living room.he turned the tv on.the news was on.it was video of the guys and me leaving the airport.

"Bts is back home."said the news.then Tae turned the channel to Netflix.

"What you want to watch?"


"You watched that a dozen times already."

"I want to watch again."i pouted.he sighed.


Tae pov

J was watching coco for the third time in a roll when I heard the doorbell.i clean up the takeout before answering the door.my mom walk in.she hugged me.we walked to living room.

"Hey j."said mom.j waved.i sighed.she not familiar with mom yet.

"J i missed your birthday but I got your a gift."said mom.she didn't tell me she brought j a gift.

"Tae go get out my car.it in the backseat."said mom.she handed me her car keys.i went to car.it was big stuffed panda in the backseat.i chuckled.i grabbed the panda and went back in the house.i gave mom her keys back.i gave j the stuffed animal.the panda was bigger than her.she tried to hug it but it was too big for her to actually hug completely.

"You welcome j."said mom with a smile on her face.

"I didn't get a stuffed animal for my birthday."

"Cuz you don't have a favorite animal."said mom.


"I can't stay long,today.i have to get back before night fall."said mom.i nodded.i hugged.

"I love you."

"I love you son."said mom.she turned to j.

"I love you j."said mom.j did a heart with her hands.then mom left.

"J,can I hold the panda?"

"No.mine."she said.i chuckled.

"Fine.i just find a new cuddle buddy."

"No!i am your cuddle buddy!"she ran to me.i pick her up.i did a boxy smile.she tried copy me.i laughed.

adopted by Taehyung(under editing)Where stories live. Discover now