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~a week later
Najia pov

"Can i Please have a panda?!?"i asked while following tae around laundry room.

"No."said tae.he put some clothes in the washer.


"Cuz I said so."said tae.he continued doing laundry.

"I want a panda!"

"Najia no."i pouted.i started whining.he sighed.

"Pandas belong in jungles not in houses."he said.

"Can we live jungle?"he laughed.


"Can I have koala?"

"If you want hang out with a animal that sleeps the day away then you should just hang out with suga."

"Can i have bunny?"

"Kookie acts like bunny."

"Can I have dog?"

"I used to have a dog growing up.his name was yeontan."

"Can I have dog?"

"Sure.we can go to petco after i done with this."i hugged his legs.he hissed in pain.

"J,my leg still is sore from working out with jimin yesterday."said tae.

"Sorry."he nodded.


We walked to the puppies area.the worker open the gate for me to walk in.all the puppies ran to me besides one.it was chasing his tail.i walked to the dog.it was white with black spots.i pick him up.i walked to tae.

"You want that one?"asked tae.i nodded.

"We will take that one."said tae.the worker took the puppy out my arms.we went to cash register.the puppy was place in a cage.tae grabbed few things for the puppy.he paid for the dog and things.we went to car.tae turned around to look at me.

"So what you going to name him?"


"No."said tae.i laughed.

"It's vkook."

"J."i laughed.

"I will name him panda."tae shook his head slightly.he turned back to the wheel.we went home.

~that night
Tae pov

"J,time for bed."she nodded.she turned the tv off and went to her room.

"Come here panda."said j.panda ran to j.they got in her bed.

"I guess you sleeping your bed night?"

"Yeah."said j.she will be in my bed after a hour.i nodded.i went to my room.i texted the guys.

Tae:j got a puppy and named it panda.🙄
Kookie:good for j.i am still looking for the perfect pet.😢
Hobi:You should had brought her a panda.😂
Tae:no -_-
Chim:have fun trying to house train that pup😂
Tae:Don't remind me 🤦🏽‍♀️
Jin:poor tae😂

I rolled my eyes.i scrolled through Twitter while waiting for j to come to my room.after waiting 2 hrs i went to j room.she was sleep while hugging panda.i got replaced by a dog.i went to my room.at least i Can have the bed all to myself for once.

adopted by Taehyung(under editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz