The Spoils Of War- (After The Snap)

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A/N: To the person who requested, I haven't forgotten about you. I just wanted to get this idea out before Endgame. I've had some ideas about the other Marvel characters involved in the Snap and some theories I've had. This will contain stuff from and may have spoilers for Infinity War, The Runaways, Venom, X-Men, DareDevil and maybe Deadpool 2. I'm putting a warning for some angst.


With one snap of his fingers, Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe. His twisted idea of saving the universe only caused more suffering and anguish. Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers. Uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. Husbands, wives, fiancés and lovers. Pets, strays, animal lovers and masters. Friends. Thanos had even taken lives that had not yet had the chance to come into the world. His 'noble' deed was a selfish act of unneeded heroism.


Dave was driving down the road in a hurry. He had to get away from his crazy wife, to keep Gert and Old Lace safe. Dave may have feared the velociraptor but his daughter cared for it and it was directly linked to her health. Gert was hit with a sudden feeling.

"D-Dad... Dad pull over," Gert begged.

"I can't. Not until we get far away from here."

"Dad, pull over!" she shrieked. Old Lace whined, feeling just as strange. Dave glanced in the rear-view mirror to see that Gert's face was blanched. Realising he had no choice than to pull over the car. He stopped the car to let Gert out into the fresh air. Gert stumbled out, holding her head and panting.

"What is it, honey? Is it your anxiety?" Dave asked.

"Some... something's happening..." Before her father had the chance to ask another question, Gert faded to dust. Dave stood there in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the sudden action. Old Lace let out an almighty roar and thrashed about in the trailer. She could still feel the psychic connection between them but it was very faint. The dinosaur was afraid and in pain. Somehow, she knew somewhere, someway, Gert was still out there, feeling the exact same way.


Eddie Brock was walking down the street with his bag of groceries. He tried to ignore the growling of his stomach as he headed to his apartment.

"Eddie," Venom's voice called from inside his head.

"What do you want?" Eddie quietly mumbled.

"Something doesn't feel right..."

"What, is it because you're hungry? I'll feed us as soon as we get home."

"No, Eddie. I-" Venom never got to finish the end of his sentence. Eddie felt his whole body suddenly churn. He dropped to his knees as brown dust evacuated from his mouth. Eddie could no longer hear or feel Venom in his body. Venom may have been a parasitic alien but he was also an important part of his life. He had suddenly been pulled out of his system without any kind of explanation. Eddie felt violated.


Negasonic Teenage Warhead was enjoying spending some time with her girlfriend Yukio. The couple was watching some dumb movie on TV, Negasonic idly playing with her girlfriend's pink and purple hair. Yukio suddenly let out a whine.

"Babe? You okay?"

"I don't... I don't feel good..." Without another word, she faded to dust. Negasonic was in a state of shock. Kurt suddenly burst into their room.

"Mein gott, it's happened to you too!" the German mutant exclaimed.

"Kurt, what the hell is going on?!" Negasonic demanded.

"People are fading to dust left and right..." He ran out of the room to check on the others. Students and teachers alike were vanishing all over the school. Brown dust carpeted the floors and floated in the air. Some of the teachers rushed to their leader, hoping to find answers. Instead, what they found was Professor X in agony. He could hear them all; millions of terrified voices in his head crying out in fear, only to vanish. He didn't know how to help them.


Nelson and Murdock were working on a case in their office when the snap occurred. Suddenly, there were multiple car accidents happening simultaneously. Alarmed by the abrupt noise, the two lawyers ran out of their office to investigate. All around them, chaos was erupting. Matt could hear hundreds of frightened heartbeats pounding with adrenaline and half of those stopping without a cause.

"Foggy? Foggy, tell me what's happening!" Matt said in a horrified voice. Foggy never got the chance to answer as he too was taken by the snap. Matt could only stand there in distress as his other senses went to overdrive. All he could see was red and moving shadows. He didn't know how to cope with all the bedlam surrounding him.


Those who were left needn't worry for long, for a plan was in place. The chess match with Thanos had reached the endgame. For, while the King sits arrogantly atop his throne and sacrificed his most important pieces, the Avengers were pushing him to a state of zugzwang.

The opposing King lies in wait. With one step at a time, he calculates his next move.

The Queen takes her place. Nimble and agile, she can move freely about the battlefield, ready to attack and defend when nessacary.

The Rook; a pillar of strength. Unyielding and headstrong, ploughing throw all who stand in his way.

The Knight; a wild card. His movements are somewhat unorthodox but he gets the job done.

The Bishop; ready to attack from a distance. A perfect offence.

The Pawn is willing to sacrifice himself in a desperate time of need.

There were a few other pieces left on the field, yes, but these six were the key to winning. The war will finally be brought into checkmate.

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