SAMRAE- Ohana Series

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I was inspired by RawrWilson's Ohana Series, so this first one goes out to her. Hope you enjoy~

Rae chased after her half naked three-year-old, which was not an easy task when you're six months pregnant. It was bath time, an activity Thomas hated with a blind passion.

"Get back here this instant little man!" she called. Suddenly, something flew past her head.

"Redwing!" Thomas squeaked, throwing up his hands to try and catch the drone. Rae turned around to see her husband Sam standing in the doorway smirking. She let out a sigh of relief and went to hug him. Sam made Redwing return to him and Thomas finally spotted his father.

"Daddy!" Thomas raced up to him and Sam picked him up.

"Hey there kid! Have you been giving your mama trouble?" he grinned.

"No bath! No bath!" Thomas pouted.

"What if daddy helps you tonight?" Rae smiled.

"Yay!" Thomas wriggled in Sam's arms and he put the toddler back on the ground. He raced into the bathroom and Sam playfully glared at his wife.

"Alright. Just give me a minute to take off my gear." Sam took off his equipment and went into the bathroom where Thomas was now fully undressed and attempting to climb into the tub. Rae watched from the doorway amused as Sam got completely drenched. Once Thomas was clean, and his teeth had been brushed, Sam wrapped him in a yellow ducky towel. Thomas tried to take off again but Rae blocked his escape route.

"No you don't mister." Sam came up behind him and scooped him up. After wrestling the boy into his pyjamas and reading him a story, Thomas was finally asleep.

"At last," Sam sighed, giving Rae a deep kiss and placing his hand on her belly. "And how's our little Christine doing?" The baby suddenly kicked his hand.

"She's good, although I think she missed her daddy. She's hardly moved since you've been away." Sam gave her a sad smile.

"About that... I've asked Fury for a few months off." Rae's eyes widened.


"Yeah. I can see you've got your hands full with Thomas and I want to be here to help. Besides, I was away when he was born and I don't want to make that mistake again." Rae sweetly kissed his lips. She knew how much Sam regretted not being there for the birth of his son. The baby kicked again, making them both grin.

"I can already tell Christine is going have you wrapped around her little finger."

"Going to? She already has," Sam said leaning down to kiss Rae's bump.

Marvel one-shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin