Totally Mjolnir'd- Steve Rogers x Reader

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Contains mild swearing

You had been dating Steve Rogers for a few months now. One thing you loved about the man was how caring he was. Steve always wanted to take care of you, whether you were ill, hurt or just having a bad day. Although you were a part of a serious relationship, you had yet to move in together.


Steve returned home after a long day and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed. No sooner had he flopped on the mattress, his phone rang.


"STEVIE!" you yelled. Steve flinched at the loudness of your voice.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Sure is baby! Can you come pick me up? Some friends took me out for drinks and now I'm a little bit Mjolnir'd," you giggled.

"Mjolnir'd?" he asked.

"Yeah! You know? Hammered!" You burst into peals of laughter.

"Where are you?" You rambled on but somehow he managed to decipher the information.

"Just stay where you are. I'll come and get you." He looked at his phone to see it read 1:00am


He arrived at the bar, eyes searching frantically for you. Steve could hear a group of people chanting "chug!" and investigated the commotion. There you were in the centre of the crowd, on your knees, chugging from a beer-bong. You finished and stood up, causing the drunken mass to cheer. Steve forced his way through and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Come on darling, I think you've had quite enough." They all booed him as he led you away. You wriggled out his grasp to stand in front of him.

"You can't tell me what to do, Captain Tight-pants! Im'a grow'd up woman and can make decisions on my own self," you slurred, poking his firm chest. Steve sighed, threw you over his shoulder and began to leave the bar.

"Hey, put me down!" you wailed, kicking your legs hysterically and pounding his back.

"Not until you've calmed down and agree to come home."

"Okay, okay," you said, ceasing your movements. Steve put you back on the ground and supported waist again. You were almost out the door but you heard someone trash talk Bucky. Steve also heard but his main objective was getting you home. You freed yourself from his grip once more and charged at the guy, landing a nose-breaking blow.

"The man was a war hero, have some respect you dick!" you shout. The man retaliates with a strike of his own before grabbing a fistful of your hair.

"Mind your place bitch!" he snarled, swinging his fist to hit you again. His hand was caught by Steve's as he towered over him. Steve was mad when he heard the guy make the comment about his best friend, but seeing him punch you made him furious.

"Stand down," he growled, bending the man's wrist back. Wide-eyed, he stared back at Steve who was easily twice his build. He released the intoxicated male and who wheezed a brief "sorry" before fleeing. Steve turned his attention back to you.

"I coulda taken him Steve," you pouted.

"I know you could have sweetheart, but you can't just go picking fights with random strangers."

"But he insulted Bucky!"

"I know he did and I would have given him a piece of mind but I just want to make sure to get home safe," he said scooping you up in his arms. Steve didn't want to take any more chances.

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