Heelys- Pietro Maximoff X Reader

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Requested by Toxicfoxr. So sorry it took me so long to write.

You had been dating Pietro for a while now. One thing you knew about Pietro, he was always looking for something new to try. Sometimes, it was fun but sometimes, it worried you. Occasionally there were times they overlapped between the two.


You were walking around with your nose in a magazine when Pietro glided past you. At first you ignored it (you were used to Pietro speeding past you) but then you noticed he wasn't just racing past you, he was actually gliding.

"What are you doing?" you asked after the sixth glide by. Pietro finally stopped and smirked at you.

"Look what I got," he said, proudly holding his foot up. You looked at the small wheel on the bottom of the shoe.

"What are those things?"

"They're called 'Heelys'." You looked at him with a raised brow.

"What? I thought they were kind of cool. You should totally get a pair!"

"And why would I want to do that?"

"So then we can match," he grinned. You smiled at him.

"Okay, let's go get a pair."

"Great! Maybe now you can finally keep up with me." At this, you rolled your eyes.


A little while later, you went to the sports store with Pietro. He had changed out of his Heelys just so he could rush around the store. You could only smile at your over-grown man-child of a boyfriend. Pietro went over to the Heelys section and looked at various colours. He grinned widely when he saw a pair that were grey, white and pale blue.

"You should get these ones!" he grinned. Smiling, you took them from him. You tried them on and found they were a perfect fit. You looked up to see Pietro grinning at you.

"Let's get them," you smiled.


Over the next few weeks, you and Pietro had worn your Heelys everywhere. The thing you liked most about them is they slowed Pietro down. Sure he was still fast, but not supersonic fast as he normally was. Although, come to think of it, you hadn't seen him use his super-speed while wearing his Heelys.

"Hey, Pietro?"


"How come you never use your super-speed when you wear your Heelys?" Pietro gave you a sheepish look.

"I, uh... I tried it once before..."


"I couldn't stop in time and skidded into a wall," he blushed. This made you laugh and his blush worsen.

"It's not funny!" he pouted.

"It's a little funny."

"No it's not. I hurt myself.

"Aw, my poor baby," you cooed.

"Kiss me better?" he smirked. You rolled your eyes and kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Pietro smirked into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist. You stood there passionately kissing for a while until you had to break for air.

"Feeling better?"

"Much," he smirked.

"Hey, Pietro?"

"Yes, Princezná?"

"How about you go put your normal sneakers on and we go somewhere on a date?"

"Sounds like a plan." As fun as Heelys were, it was much more fun to be spending time with your super fast boyfriend.

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