Sæta frá Íslandi- Thor Odinson x Reader

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Translations will be at the bottom of the chapter. Sorry if the translations are bad.

You came from a traditional Icelandic family and were proud of your heritage. When you first arrived in America, you found a job at a museum in your field of expertise; Norse history. You could read the ancient texts, identify relics and absolutely loved the mythology.


You looked at your braided hair in the mirror.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," you grumbled, putting your winged helmet on. The museum had recently required some pieces from a museum overseas and expanded their Norse exhibit. Your boss had decided to create an 'authentic experience' hence you were wearing a Valkyrie costume. Stepping out of the bathroom, you saw your work colleague smirking at you.

"Aww, don't you look pretty?" he remarked.

"What do you want, Derek?" you snapped.

"Just handing you, your itinerary for the day. No need to be so techie," Derek pouted. You took the paper from him and read through its contents. Your first tour was in five minutes. Sighing, you fixed the toy sword to your hip and strapped on the shield.

"Yeah! Now, go lead those knights into battle Brunhilde," he said, giving your butt a playful swat as you exited the office.

"That was a German legend," you corrected him. Man, if Derek's boyfriend wasn't your boss, you'd squash the little karta.


Your day wasn't too bad. You loved the look of wonder in the eyes of the children but you also got snickers from teenagers and questioning glances from adults. As you got near the office door, you could hear Derek talking with someone.

"...she's with a tour at the moment but she should be back any moment."

"Remind me why I went through with that," you asked, taking off your 'weapons' and placing them on your desk.

"Because the Valkyrie outfit wouldn't fit me."

"So get a Viking one," you retorted, yanking off the helmet and tucking it under your arm.

"No, no, no, you're the best at what you do. Just as I was saying to these gentlemen." Your eyes widened as you saw two men standing in the office. One had short dark hair and was smirking at you. The other had long blonde hair and was wearing what could only be described as traditional Norse armour.

"Oh! Hallo, I'm Y/N (Dad)sdottir," you introduced yourself.

"Y/N, this is Tony Stark and Thor Odinson. They were looking for an expert in translating runes," Derek explained. You felt your heart skip a beat. Was this really the god you heard so much about in your childhood? Derek noticed that they were still looking at your strange attire.

"Our museum recently expanded our Norse collection and we like to keep things authentic, including our tour-guides," he clarified, patting your shoulder.

"That explains the get-up, the accent, the name..." Tony went on.

"Ah, no actually. The costume yes, but the rest is all me. Anyway, Derek said something about runes?" you said, wanting to change the subject.

"We found some kind of ancient box with runes all over it but our resident Asgardian expert can't read them."

"I can read them!" Thor defended in his booming voice. "Just not all of them. I couldn't be expected to sit in the Hall of Learning while there were perfectly good trolls to battle. You understand, am I right?" He glanced over your costume.

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