Pregnancy Series- Thor Odinson

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Your story: After a few years of courting, Thor had finally proposed to you. There was much debate over where the wedding was to be held. Eventually you settled on having it in Asgard.

How it happened: Today was your wedding day. After a long ceremony, and feasting and dancing at the reception, you were back in Thor's chambers. His large hands were around your waist and yours were on his shoulders. This was the first time you had been alone together in weeks and your skin was tingling from his warm touch.

"Lady Y/N, we do not have to be intimate this night if you do not wish it," he told you. You blushed and looked away from him. It wasn't like this was your first time with him or anything, but you couldn't help feeling nervous.

"But it's kind of expected isn't it?" Thor moved his hands to cup your face, thumbs stroking your soft skin.

"I will not force you to do anything you do not want. I am here to protect you my love." You smiled at his words and stood on your toes to press your lips to his. As you kissed, you felt those same fireworks you did from the first time you did this. The kiss got more passionate with each passing moment. Your fingers tangled into his silky locks, making him moan. He pulled away to look into your eyes.

"Are you certain My Lady?" he asked. You nodded and turned around.

"Help me with this?" you prompted, referring to your gown. Thor carefully undid all the strings and buttons on your dress and it floated to the ground, leaving you only in your dainty shoes. You quickly stepped out of them and got under the covers. Biting your lip, you watched as Thor stripped bare. He climbed into bed with you, positioning himself between your legs. You looped your arms around his neck, and with one final deep kiss, you became one with your husband.


When your breathing had settled, Thor slid out and lay next to you. He pulled you onto his chest. Thor brushed a strand of your face and smiled lovingly at you.

"I love you, ever so much fair maiden."

"I love you too, Thor," you said, giving him a tender kiss. Thor stroked your hair until you fell asleep.

Finding out/ Telling him: You were walking around the gardens of Asgard with Frigga; enjoying some time with your mother-in-law. Frigga adored you and you loved her. You walked past a bed of flowers with a particularly strong scent. You must have walked in this part of the garden a dozen times but this time you began to feel queasy.

"My dear, are you well? You've gone quite pale." Before you could answer her, your head spun and you blacked out. Frigga cradled you in her lap and called for help.


You woke to the sound of your husband's booming voice. Opening your eyes, you could see Thor fretting over you.

"Lady Y/N, are you alright? Mother told me you had fainted." You sat up slowly, trying to remember what happened.

"I don't know what happened. I was walking in the garden and walked past some flowers, the next thing I know, I'm waking up here." Before Thor could ask you any more questions, a member of the medical staff spoke.

"My Prince?" You both looked at her.

"I am pleased to inform you that your lady wife is with child," she smiled.

"Are- are you serious?" you asked. The nurse nodded kindly.

"You are at least one month along. I will see to it that you receive regular check-ups." With that, she left you to be with Thor. You beamed at each other and he sat on the side of your bed. He leant forward to pepper your face with kisses. You had discussed kids when you first got engaged, but you hadn't expected it to happen so soon. Either way, you were absolutely thrilled.

Pregnancy issues: You felt like you were constantly hungry. Frigga had told you this was normal in pregnancy, after all, you were carrying twins. She was very supportive and answered every question you asked her.

The birth: You had just finished a large dinner and was going back to your chambers, when you started getting pains in your lower stomach. Thinking it was indigestion (which was not unusual by this point), you headed to the nurses. They asked you a few questions and pressed on your tummy before coming to the conclusion that you were in labour. They helped you to the birthing chambers and someone ran to get Frigga and inform Thor.


After many hard hours of labour, your twins were finally out.

"You've done so well, child," Frigga whisper, kissing your head. "Allow my son to come in." They opened the doors and Thor timidly entered. He smiled upon seeing you and Frigga. She crossed the room and handed him your daughter. You were holding your son.

"I am so happy for you my son," Frigga told him. For once, Thor was left totally speechless. You had decided long ago on names for your children; Constantine Thorson and Gwenithfaen Thorsdottir.

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