Pregnancy Series- Loki Laufeyson

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Your story: After years of courting Loki, he proposed to you. It had taken a lot of time, but Loki had begun to trust you and his domination urges became less and less.

How it happened: You were sitting at home, waiting for Loki to return. He left for Asgard a few days ago and told you he would be home today. Sighing, you closed your book and decided to go to bed. No sooner had you stood up; you bumped into a person's chest. You tried to scream but a cool hand was clamped over your mouth. You calmed down once you realized it was Loki and he removed his hand.

"You almost gave me a heart-attack!" you scolded. Loki grabbed your face and captured your lips in a searing kiss. You kissed back after you had recovered from your shock and tangled your fingers into his silky hair. His tongue swiped your bottom lip and you gladly allowed him access into your mouth. Eventually air was needed and you pulled away.

"Strip for me," he breathed. Loki pretty much demanded things but his voice was so soft, it really was more of a request. You looked up at him and saw the sorrowful expression in his eyes. Nodding, you obeyed. Loki watched you until you were fully and stripped out of his own clothes. He pulled you close to him, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your mouths collided again and he led you to the nearest wall, his hands roaming your body. Loki lifted your thighs and sheathed himself within you.


Once you had come down from your highs, Loki helped you back on the ground and guided you to the bedroom. You both got under the covers and he held you in his arms, tucking your head under his chin.

"Loki... you okay?" Loki hummed in response.

"What happened in Asgard?" you asked. Loki gave a broken sob and held you tighter.

"It's like they've forgotten all about her!"

"Frigga, you mean?" Loki would never admit to anyone but you but when Frigga died, it affected him deeply.

"That oaf Odin refuses to even acknowledge that she even existed and she was his wife!" he hissed.

"Maybe he just doesn't how to deal with his grief." Loki placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"I love you, ever so much my darling. I can't stand the thought of losing you." You smiled at his words and kissed his neck.

"I love you too Loki; with all my heart."

Finding out/ Telling him: A month after you had been together, you began to get strange cravings. Loki was puzzled by your behaviour but got whatever you requested.


One afternoon, you were spending time with a friend. Loki was out and this gave you some time to catch up with her. You were halfway through a plate of devilled eggs when your friend spoke up.

"Since when do you like those?" she questioned, turning her nose up. You shrugged and took another bite.

"What're you pregnant or something?" Your eyes widened as the realization hit you.

"Well maybe..." You thought back on your night with Loki and remembered that you didn't use protection. You excused yourself, explaining that you had to go out and buy a pregnancy test. She understood and wished you luck.


Later that evening, you were pacing the bathroom floor. You had already found out that the test you took was positive. You were nervous. What if he didn't want the baby? You knew Loki loved you but how would he handle the news? You were so deep in your thoughts; you didn't notice Loki walk in the door looking for you.

"My love, are you alright? Why are you crying?" he asked, noticing your tear-stained face. You handed him the test and he looked at it before looking at you.

"What does this mean?" he asked, clearly not understanding what the stick was.

"It means I'm pregnant," you sobbed. Loki broke out into a big grin and enveloped you into a hug.

"You... you're not mad?" Loki pulled away and cupped your face.

"Why would I be mad? You are my Queen and you're carrying my child; my life is complete," he smiled.

Pregnancy issues: Your wedding was held shortly after you found out you were pregnant as Odin refused to have a grandchild born out of wedlock. You stayed in Asgard during your pregnancy. Loki made sure was very well cared for. The only real problem was how much you missed your friends and family but with his magic, Loki helped you keep in touch.

The birth: You were sound asleep when you suddenly felt your water break. Loki helped you get to the birthing chambers. He paced outside the door, listening to you scream. It distressed Loki to hear you in pain but he just kept thinking of the end result. Every passing minute, was one closer to meeting his child. His heart leapt into his chest when you stopped. Finally, they allowed him in. He cautiously stepped in and took in the sight of you. Sweat plastered your hair to your head but you were smiling. Loki smiled and kissed your temple.

"Do you want to hold her?" Loki nodded and took your daughter from you.

"Just as beautiful as her mother," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Our perfect little girl... Minerva Alice Lokisdottir."

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