Hospital Bed Confessions- Sam Wilson x Reader

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Ever since Sam first became an Avenger, you had gotten close to him. You were always sharing stupid jokes, tinkering with gadgets and hanging out with each other. It wasn't long before you developed a crush on your best friend. You had managed keep your feelings hidden so far, but with every passing day, it got harder to suppress.


You were on a mission with your partner, Martin Arnold. Your objective was to get information from a small Hydra base. Martin signalled for you to move through the freshly fallen snow. Counting down on his fingers, you burst in through the door. There weren't too many agents, so it should have been an easy mission. Sometime during the fight, you had lost sight of Martin. Taking out the last of the Hydra agents, you called it in and went to find your partner. You found him lying in the snow; he appeared to be injured. His lips were moving as if he was saying something. You knelt down, placing you ear near his mouth. No sooner had you done so, when you felt a sharp pain in your side. You pulled away shocked and saw that Martin had a nasty grin on his face. He yanked the knife out of you and pushed you over. You whipped out your gun and fired a few shots, one of them hitting his leg.

"This is Agent L/N calling in. Agent Arnold's gone rouge, I need back up!" you barked into your earpiece. Applying pressure to your wound, you gave chase as best you could. You followed him across a frozen river but Martin's heavy footsteps had weakened the surface. The ice broke and you were plunged into the frigid waters. You forced yourself to keep moving and managed to get to the closest side of the bank. Shivering violently, you took a few steps and began to feel sleepy.

"Come on Y/N, stay awake. Stay..." you collapsed in the snow.


Falcon was the first to answer the call. It was easy enough to track down Agent Arnold because he left a crimson trail along the crisp white ground. Falcon apprehended him and called S.H.I.E.L.D. to pick him up. He realized that Y/N wasn't there and took to the skies. All the worst case scenarios played in his mind as he frantically searched for his friend. Falcon's heart leapt to his throat when he caught sight of her. He landed and rushed to her side. Y/N was deathly pale, her lips were blue and she had lost a lot of blood. Falcon checked her neck for a pulse. It was very weak, but it meant that she was still alive, only just. He desperately called for help, holding Y/N's icy body against his.

"Don't die on me Y/N. Please," he begged.


You felt remarkably warm and numb. Your first thought was that maybe you had died. Breathing in deeply, you could smell the strong scent of antiseptics and you could hear a steady rhythmic beat. You concluded you were in a hospital. You were vaguely aware of someone holding your hand, drawing circles in your palm with their thumb. Opening your eyes a fraction, you looked through your lashes to see Sam sitting by your bed. He seemed to be deep in thought about something.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," he breathed. Wait, was Sam talking about you? You pretended to remain asleep.

"What would I do if I never got to hear your voice again or see that beautiful smile? I'd hate myself if you'd died and I never got to tell you how I felt." The monitor picked up your fluttering heartbeat, but Sam didn't seem to notice.

"Sam?" You heard Steve's voice call. "You should get something to eat."

"What if she wakes up while I'm gone?"

"I'll be here for her. Just go and take care of yourself." With a sigh, Sam reluctantly let go of your hand and you heard him walk away. You waited a few minutes before opening your eyes.

"You're awake," Steve commented.

"How long have I been out?" you croaked, voice horse from not being used.

"A few days," he answered. Sam came back and dropped the bag of chips he was holding.

"Y/N! You're awake!" he stated dumbly and rushed to your side, nearly knocking Steve over in the process. He mumbled something about getting the nurse.

"What happened?" Blinking slowly, you recalled the events before you woke up.

"Agent Arnold and I were getting intel on a Hydra base. We recovered the information but at some point I lost sight of him," you rasped. "Eventually I found him and thought he was hurt but he stabbed me. I let out a few rounds and gave chase across a river but I fell through the ice." Sam carefully listened to your story and filled in the blanks.

"I'm glad I found you. Any longer and you would've..." He held back, unable to complete the sentence. You noticed Sam biting the inside of his lip.

"Sam... Is there something you want to tell me?" you pried.

"Um... no. I'll see where Steve has gone," he said, practically running out of the room. Tears pricked your eyes as you leant your head back against the pillow. You couldn't help feeling rejected. You quickly wiped your face as the nurse walked in.


Meanwhile, Sam was kicking himself. He had the perfect opportunity to confess, but he chickened out; ironic, given he was Falcon.

"Did you tell her?" Steve asked. He had left the two of them alone to give them some privacy. Steve knew about Sam's feelings for Y/N and was hoping they would get together. Sam shook his head and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't what it is but when I look into those (e/c) eyes of hers, my brain turns to mush. Besides, Y/N's my best friend. What if I ask her out and she turns me down?" Steve offered a kind smile and placed a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"You'll never know if you if you don't ask." Sam sighed, realizing that the super soldier had a point.

"You're right. I'll ask her the next chance I get."


After that day, things between you and Sam went pretty much back to normal. The only thing different was the underlying awkwardness whenever the two of you were left alone. You wanted to say something to him but frankly, you were too embarrassed. Sam tried to talk to you but you always avoided situations where there'd just be the two of you.


Months had passed since you had been injured on that mission. You had been given some time off work and were enjoying yourself at home when your phone rang. It was Steve, informing you that Sam had been injured on assignment. As fast as you could, you raced to the hospital.


You sat by Sam's bed. He wasn't hurt as bad you had originally thought but he was unconscious. You played with your hands as you watched his eyes for any signs of movement.

"Please wake up," you whispered. Why didn't you just admit to him when you had the chance? Finally, his eyes flickered open.

"Y/N?" Sam asked, obviously confused as to why you were there. Unable to hold back any longer, you grabbed his face kissed him. Sam was shocked at first, but he kissed back, holding the nape of your neck to deepen it. Eventually you pulled away for air.

"Sorry," you panted. "I just had to do that before one us got hurt again." Sam grinned and kissed you again.

"Y/N, I... I love you."

"I love you too," you replied. Steve had just walked in but quickly left. He was relieved that you and Sam were together at last.

Marvel one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora