Shattered- Tony Stark x Reader

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A/N: To the people that have requested, I haven't forgotten about you. I've had this idea sitting in my head and I had to get it out before I spontaneously burst into tears. I'm putting a warning for angst and mentions of a miscarriage.

You had married to Tony for five blissful years although lately your relationship was on the rocks. You hardly communicated, Tony was away all the time, and it gotten to the point where you didn't even sleep in the same bed anymore. You finally had enough.


You quietly entered the lab, switching off the music. Tony angrily spun around to see you standing there.

"Tony, we need to talk." Your voice was soft.

"Talk?! What is there to talk about?! You never even speak to me anymore!" He snapped.

"That's because you shut me out! Please... tell me what's going on in that head of yours," you begged.

"Why should I tell anything to some bimbo?!"

"Bimbo?! You're calling me a bimbo?!" you screeched.

"You're right. That's giving bimbos too much credit. You were actually dumb enough to marry me!" Tony had been under so much stress lately that the filter between his brain and his mouth was not functioning. Tony didn't mean any of the words that he was saying. It was just his temper talking.

"You were the one who proposed to me!"

"You're right and it was a huge mistake! And then you went got yourself pregnant but of course, you lost the baby! Now we're stuck in a loveless marriage!" That was it. The beginning of when your relationship started to fall apart. Tony had been supportive at first but he was hurting too. He did the only thing he knew to do to protect himself. He shut you out. The impact behind his words was like receiving a third degree burn; you were so badly hurt that you felt absolutely nothing. You just completely shut down to cope with the shock of his hateful words. If that was how Tony felt, then fine. You calmly off your wedding and engagement rings and dropped them before walking away. Your actions finally got through to Tony and they frightened him.

"Y/N? Y/N, where are you going?" You couldn't answer him, because you didn't know. Panic seized in his chest. You just made a bee-line for the garage, your face an expressionless mask. Tony chased after you, apologising profusely, tears streaming down his face. It was too late for apologies. He would have better luck trying to fix a totally smashed glass. The other Avengers peeked out of their rooms as you passed by. They knew you had been having problems but they had no idea how bad they truly were. Just as you had reached the garage, Tony stepped in front of you and kissed your lips, holding you close to his body. You didn't kiss back, nor did you push him away. Tony had taken the broken pieces of your heart and completely destroyed them. He broke the kissed and pressed his forehead to yours.

"Please... don't leave me," he begged. You looked at him with hollow, empty eyes and worked your way out of his grasp. You grabbed the keys to the first car you saw and opened the door.

"I never want to see you again." Your voice was just as emotionless as you felt on the inside. You got in the car and drove away. Tony completely fell apart. He had already lost his child and now his wife had walked out on him and it was all his fault. Tony was completely and utterly shattered.

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