Awkward Mornings (Mini-series)- Pietro Maximoff

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Tony's parties could be quite cumbersome at times hence the drink in your hand. This was your third glass of champagne and you were starting to feel the effects. The only reason you were even attending was because Wanda had begged you to come. Speaking of whom, you could see her talking to your crush Pietro. Feeling a little braver, you crossed the floor and stood next to him. Wanda saw you, gave you a knowing smirk and walked away.

"Hey stranger, wanna dance?" you asked, as a slow song began to play. Pietro nodded and you both downed the contents of your glasses. You swayed to the music, your arms around his neck, his around your waist. As you danced, you admired his icy blue eyes and his handsome features. Your lips inched closer and closer together until- Tony suddenly changed the song to an AC/DC one. He was drunk and bored with the slow pace. Pietro reluctantly let go of you.

"I think I'll go to bed," he informed you. He tried to speed away but in his slightly intoxicated state, he only bumped into people and crashed into a wall. The whole room laughed at him but you ran (well stumbled) to his side.

"Come on Quicksilver. Let's get you to bed, a little slower this time," you said, helping him to his feet. You heard a chorus of wolf-whistles and cat-calls as the two of you headed to the elevator. Supporting his waist, you made it to his room. You had barely made it inside when you were pinned against the door, Pietro's mouth crashed against yours. You were shocked at first but then melted into the kiss. One of your hands rested on the back of his neck while the other tangled in his hair. Pietro's hands slid up the sides of your legs, frantically bunching up your dress. He pressed you harder into the door as he lifted your thighs to wrap around his waist. It only took that spit second for heat to flood your system and you moaned into his mouth. You broke the kiss, panting heavily as you looked into his lust-glazed eyes. Your nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons on his shirt and Pietro unzipped the back of your dress. Once again your lips melded together, tongues battling for dominance as you fell in a tangled heap on the bed.


You opened your eyes the next morning to see that you were not on your room. You realized that you were totally void of clothing as you felt a firm buttocks pressed against yours. Turning your head carefully, you saw a head of silver hair. The memories of last night entered your head all at once. Sitting up, you held the blankets to your chest and shook his shoulder.

"Pietro, wake up." He groaned, looked over at you and sat up, holding his head at the motion.

"Y/N I'm so sorry! I never meant to take advantage of you like that; it's just that you looked so beautiful last night in that dress and I couldn't control myself." You cut of his rambling with a kiss.

"I'm actually glad you made the first move because I know if you didn't, I would have." Pietro smiled and kissed you.

"I think I'll shower and then we can go get breakfast."

"Why do you get to shower and I don't?" you asked.

"Because my shower is closer," he smirked.

"Uh-uh. We're in this together; solidarity mister!" you scolded, waggling your finger.

"Can I at least put on clean clothes?"

"Fine," you grumbled.


When you arrived in the kitchen, you saw all of the Avengers there.

"I swear, it's not what it looks like!" you defended. Between the dress you were wearing from the night before, the hickeys on your neck and Pietro's hand on your waist; you weren't helping your case.

"I'd say it's exactly what it looks like," Tony smirked. The rest of them gave mixed expressions of embarrassment and amusement. You both sat down at the table and Wanda stood up. Someone dropped a pan and caused several groans to echo through the room.

"Here, you look like you could use this," Wanda said, handing you and Pietro a glass of water and a couple of pain-killers each.

"Hey Y/N?" Pietro asked.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" You gave him a lazy smile.

"Yes Pietro." At least there was one good thing that came out of this morning.

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