Vacation- Clint Barton x Reader

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Little bit of fonue-ing in this chapter. Dedicated to @Yavanna80 because her stories inspire me.

Being married to Clint Barton could sometimes be a challenge. The biggest strain was when he was away on long missions. Luckily, Clint had pulled some stings and managed to get the entire week off. This was going to be great; no Avengers, no work, just a full week of you and Clint.


You woke to the tranquil sounds of birds outside the window. It saw so much nicer than waking up to the New York traffic or Tony yelling at Thor because he broke the toaster. You briefly looked over your shoulder to see Clint still fast asleep. He had driven whole way out to the farm, so when you came in late last night, he was absolutely exhausted. As silently as you could, you crept out of bed, removed you pyjamas and crossed the room to find clothes to wear for the day.

"What are you doing babe?" Clint rasped in his morning voice. You turned around and the sight lying on the bed made you bite your lip. Clint's hair was fluffy from sleep and one of his forearms rested across his eyes to shield them from the sunlight peeking through the curtain. He'd kicked the covers off so you got a full view of his spectacular torso. Your eyes finally settled onto where his 'morning glory' made a tent in his boxers and boy, did it turn you on. Rummaging through your suitcase, you found the box you were looking for and placed it on the bedside table before straddling him.

"I was going to go for horse ride, but I think I'll ride you instead," you smirked. Now, this got his attention. Clint stared at you as you freed his member of his boxers.

"Be gentle on me, it's my first time," he joked. You simply rolled your eyes, unwrapped one of the silver-foiled packets, placed it on him and removed your underwear.

"Ready?" you asked. Clint nodded and you eased onto him. You started off pretty slow and steady but eventually you picked your pace. You'd never be able to get away with something like this in the Tower; you'd either get caught or someone (usually Natasha) would complain that the two of you were being too loud. When the round was over, you unmounted him and lay there panting, both of you grinning like idiots. After a while, you shifted to get up but in a few swift motions, Clint removed his boxers totally and had you pinned under his body.

"Where are you going? I'm not done with you yet." His gorgeous blue eyes were almost black with lust. Needless to say, you spent the entire morning in bed.


With not much in the cupboards to eat, you decided to drive to the nearest town for lunch. You found a quaint little cafe where you sat at the back, away from prying eyes. It was going well, until you exited the cafe and a little boy recognised his hero, Hawkeye. Not being able to turn down a child, Clint signed an autograph for him but then he returned with his friends and his friends brought their friends and their parents. Soon he was flocked with hordes of fans, wanting autographs and pictures. Your husband was somewhat of a attention-whore so you quietly slipped away and let him enjoy his moment. You went to buy groceries for the week and it seemed the gossip had spread quickly.

"Have you heard? The Hawkeye is in town!" the girl behind the counter told you.

"Oh really? I've heard that guy's a real tool," you said, feigning disinterest.

"How can you even say that?! He's a total hunk! What I'd give to be wrapped up in those biceps of his." You gave her a tight-lipped smile and resisted the urge to knock her pretty little teeth in. Loading the shopping into the car, you drove close to where Clint was still surrounded by admirers. Spotting a jet-plane moving across the sky sparked an idea.

"No way, is that Iron Man?!" you shouted. Everyone in the crowd (including your husband) looked to the sky.

"Move it dork," you growled into his ear and grabbed his wrist. You escaped from the mass of people and only when you were driving away did you burst into laughter.


Later that afternoon, you finally took the horses out. You rode out to a secluded lake and turned the horses loose while you enjoyed the scenery. This was exactly what you wanted; just spending some time alone with the man you so dearly loved. Sitting on the edge of the pier, you admired the sparkling water and the serenity of nature. You turned your head to admire Clint's handsome face. You ran your hand lovingly over his five-o'clock shadow.

"You know... the rugged look really suits you," you thought out loud. Clint's gaze briefly flicked to you and he flashed you a smile before looking back on the still water.

"Too bad we didn't bring our swimsuits. I'd love to go for a dip." Clint grinned roguishly before picking you up.

"Clint! What are you doing?!" Clint tossed you into the lake. While he was so busy laughing, you swam under the dock to hide. He stopped when he realized you hadn't surfaced.

"Y/N? Where are you?" You remained silent. He jumped in and frantically searched for you.

"Babe, please answer me! It was just a joke, I'm sorry," he pleaded. You crept up behind him and dunked him under the water. The second Clint surfaced; his strong arms were around your waist. You placed your hands on his shoulders.

"Don't scare me like that Y/N." You were about to tell him 'You deserved it' but the look on his face told you he wasn't talking about dunking him.

"Sorry babe," you apologized. Clint placed a lingering kiss on your lips and you felt so much love and tenderness behind it. When you broke away, you looked at the sun beginning to sink in the sky.

"We should probably get the horses back before it gets dark," you noted. Clint let go of you and you swam to the shore.


After taking a shower together and a nice quiet dinner, you were lying between the sheets, holding each other. One of Clint's hands was under your pyjama top, thumb caressing your skin.

"I'm sorry I scared you like that Clint. I just wanted to prank you like you always do to me." He kissed your forehead.

"I know, I overreacted. I don't what I'd do without you. You're best wife in the world."

"Oh, stop," you said, playfully hitting his shoulder.

"No, you really are amazing and not just with the big things, like waiting for me to come home from a long mission. It's all the little things you do, like saving me from the hordes of screaming fans."

"Why did you look?"

"I don't know," he laughed. You both began to close your eyes, feeling sleep take over.

"I love you Y/N Barton," Clint whispered.

"I love you too, bird boy." As the first day came to a close, you could already tell this was going to be a wonderful vacation.

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