Abandoned- Bruce Banner x Reader

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Bruce was a very dear friend of yours. You tried to catch up with each other at the very least once a month. Bruce had been in love with you for years, but he never acted on it. He was worried that you might reject him and your friendship would be ruined but even more than that; he was scared of the 'Other Guy'. What if you returned his feelings and he Hulked out and hurt you? There was no way Bruce could live with himself if it ever came to that.


You had been dating a man named Jackson. You had told Bruce about him, and as much as it broke his heart, he supported you. That was, until he actually met the guy. He hated the way Jackson treated you; talking down to you and making a joke about it, insulting you, ordering you around as if you his slave, the list went on. Jackson must have sensed his discomfort because whenever he was with you, he made a show of claiming you as his. You were too blinded by 'love-goggles' to notice anything was wrong. Bruce wanted to say something to you, but there was no way he could do that without admitting his feelings or coming off as overprotective.


It wasn't until you found out you were pregnant that you saw Jackson for the jerk he was. You took a cab to his apartment to give him the news. Even though you had been dating seriously for a few months, you didn't live together. Jackson had told you that there wasn't enough room for two people to live at his place and he couldn't move because it was close to his work. Naively, you believed him. You had spent the day trying to figure out how to tell him but decided just to break the news. He stayed silent for a minute before splitting into a strained smile.

"That's great to hear sweetheart. You know what, let me drive you the hospital for a check up."


Jackson was suspiciously quiet on the way there. You shot up when you passed the hospital.

"Wait, we just passed it. Jackson... where are we going?"

"An abortion clinic. You are getting rid of that thing," he growled, showing you his true colours. Your eyes widened in fear.

"I will do no such thing!" you shrieked.

"Yes you will. I don't want a kid hanging around. This is your responsibility, you never should have let this happen."

"What about that night we spent together? I brought it up but-"

"DON'T YOU DARE BLAME THIS ON ME!" he roared, pulling over. "Just get out of my car!" You got out as fast you could and watched him speed away. You took in your surroundings and realised you had no idea where you were, especially in the dark. With no one else to call, you rang Bruce.


Bruce finished the long meeting and checked his phone. He saw he had several missed calls from you along with desperate messages.

Y/N: Bruce call me back

Y/N: Please

Y/N: Help

Y/N: I need you

They were just a few examples. Bruce speedily dialled your number.


"Bruce!" you wept into the receiver.

"What's happened? Are you all right?"

"N-no. Jackson broke up with me and left me on the side of the road. I don't know where I am and I think it's gonna rain." Bruce got someone to put a trace on the call so he could find you.

"Hold on Y/N, I'm coming. Just keep talking to me," he instructed.

"I don't know if I can. My phone's almost out of-" The line went dead. Luckily, they were able to get an approximate location.

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