Catfished- Steve Rogers x Reader

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Requested by JayCheshire. I am so sorry it took so long to write your request but I hope you like it in the end.


Ever since you had joined the team, you and Steve had become fast friends. He told you stories about his time in the war and you taught him how to adjust to the modern world. You could really feel yourself beginning to fall for the soldier. Things were really going well until you showed him how to use the internet. You had no idea what you were in stall for...


Steve was hunched over the computer playing a game that you showed him when it chimed, signalling he had received a message.

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yes, Steve?" you said, looking up from your tablet.

"What does that mean?" You put down the tablet and went over to look at Steve's computer.

"It means you have a message..." You showed Steve how bring up the message. It was just a simple 'Hello' from a woman by the name of Maggie.

"How do I answer her?" You couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of jealousy but you swallowed your pride and showed him how to reply. Little did you know, you were opening yourself up for a world of hurt.


The next few weeks were almost unbearable for you. All Steve could talk about was this new girl. He told you that her name was short for Margaret so Steve had taken to calling her Peggy. She was a historian that specialised in World War II. She liked listening to 40's style music and had a collection of vintage dolls. You didn't like this at all. This woman sounded just too perfect. You decided to bring this to Steve's attention.

"Steve?" you asked.

"Yes, Y/N?" he said, not looking up from his conversation with Maggie.

"I'm starting to worry about you..."


"Because... This woman is just too perfect. How do you know she isn't a catfish?" Steve frowned and turned to look at you.

"A... catfish?"


"Like... those things that swim around rivers?" You sighed, forgetting that Steve still wasn't used to the dangers of the internet.

"No, Steve. A catfish is basically someone who pretends to be someone they're not on line usually to trick the person they're talking to." Steve looked confused at first but then he looked mad.

"Peggy is real!"


"She's real!"

"How do you know that?! You've never talked to her, there isn't even a picture of her! Every time you've tried to set a real world date, she's blown you off! For all you know, she might even be a man!"

"Stop saying that!"

"I'm only saying it because I care about you, Steve!"

"You're just jealous!" You were taken aback. It may have been true but it hurt to hear him say that.


"Just get out of my room," he growled, turning back to his computer. You quietly left and only when you reached your room, did you allow yourself to cry.


Steve didn't talk to you for a few days after that. It just hurt so much. You felt like you had lost your best friend. You were talking to Tony about your problems, deciding you had to talk to someone.

"I just don't know what to do, Tony. He's totally head over heels in love with the girl but if I say anything, he just thinks I'm being jealous..." Tony thought for a moment.

"Maybe I could hack his account... If I get in there, I could trace back to where the messages are coming from." You looked surprised and somewhat relived.

"You can really do that?"

"Yeah," he shrugged, like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Well... It kind of happened to me when I was younger so I kind of get what he's going through. It's better to give him a little bit of pain now then a lot later. Come on, let's go catch a catfish."


A while later, you knocked on Steve's door. When he answered he looked somewhat angry to see you.

"What do you want, Y/N?"

"Steve, I... I found her... I found Maggie..." Steve's face lit up when you told him. He couldn't wait to meet the woman he

"Okay... come on out..." Steve looked confused when Vision walked out.

"Vision? What are you doing here? Where's Peggy?"

"Steve... Vision is Margaret. He's the one you've been talking to this whole time..."

"Wh-what?" Steve looked shocked, hurt and confused.

"I was conducting a social experiment. I created the Margaret persona to see how you would react," Vision explained. Steve slammed his door shut before the android could say another word. You tried knock on his door but he refused to answer. You decided to give him some time to cool off.


A few hours went by before you decided to check on Steve. When you knocked on his door, you were greeted with a quiet, 'Come in'. Slowly, you walked into the room to see Steve sitting on the bed. As you got closer, you noticed his eyes were puffy and red from crying.

"Steve... I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be... You were right all along." Steve pat the spot next to him on the bed and you sat down.

"I should have just listened to you, Y/N. You know more about the internet than I do. I'm sorry I called you jealous."

"Don't be... because you were right..." you sighed. Steve looked up at you. Blushing, you avoided his gaze.

" It pained me to hear you talk about that other girl like that. Maybe I did what I did partly out of jealousy..." Steve held your hand, making you look at him.

"Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing... because now I know the truth. I should never have tried to chase after some faceless woman... when I had the perfect one right in front of me." You blushed furiously.

"Do you... like me?" Steve nodded.

"I have for a long time. I think that I only went after Maggie out of fascination. The whole internet thing was so new to me and I got swept up into it so fast. I should have focused on what was right in front of me."

"I like you too, Steve," you smiled. He smiled back at you. Slowly and gradually, the two of you leant in until your lips connected. This was better than anything you could ever imagine. In the end, maybe Vision catfishing Steve was the best thing that could have happened.

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