CLAIA- Ohana Series

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This chapter is of course dedicated to Yavanna80.

Clint and Laia were woken up by their seven-year-old daughter and five-year-old son jumping on the bed.

"I think your children are up," Laia groaned.

"They're your kids too," Clint muttered. Natalia jumped on her father making him grunt.

"It's Saturday morning, why aren't you watching cartoons?"

"We're hungry!" she whined.

"Yeah, we're hungry!" Barney echoed. He absolutely adored his big sister and followed her every move. Well, most of the time. They still had their scuffles as siblings often do.

"Then why don't you get cereal?"

"No, we want bacon."

"Yeah, bacon." Laia's shoulders shook as she tried to contain her laughter.

"Okay, sit tight and mama will make you some," Clint said. Laia kicked her husband under the sheets.

"No, we want daddy."

"Yeah, daddy."

"You heard 'em bird-boy. They want daddy," Laia smirked. Clint got out of bed and headed to the kitchen with his two children hot on his heels. Laia stretched out in the bed now that she had it all to herself and savoured a few more minutes of sleep. However, the moment was short lived as she heard her three-month-old wail through the monitor.

"Hold on Jeremy, I'm coming," she sighed. After changing and feeding the baby, she headed down stairs. Clint had just served up breakfast and hung up his purple apron. Seeing his wife with little Jeremy, he grinned and took him from her.

"Look who's up," he smiled.

"Yeah. I think his siblings probably woke him up."

"Did not!"

"Did too!" There was suddenly a thud as Natalia tackled her brother. The couple rushed to the lounge room were the little girl had Barney in a headlock that Aunty Nat had taught her. Laia rushed over to break up the fight, pulling her off him and scolding her. Natalia pouted as her mother told her off. Jeremy cooed and wrapped his tiny fingers in the fabric of Clint's t-shirt. He smiled, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. Clint was glad he was retired because he wouldn't trade this family life for anything.

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