Measurements?- Steve Rogers x Reader

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Mild suggestions

Being married to Steve Rogers was nothing short of a dream. He was a complete gentleman and shared everything with you. Steve may have been shy whenever the subject of sex but behind closed doors, he was absolute beast (not that he'd ever admit that to anyone).


One day, you received a call from your Uncle Bob. He worked in construction and often snuck away little 'treasures' for you to keep.

"Y/N sweetheart!" he drawled in his thick Brooklyn accent.

"Uncle Bob! It's good to see you again," you said embracing him.

"Good ta' see ya too. Listen, come're, I've got somethin' for ya." He retrieved an old, leather-bound note book from his countertop and handed it to you. You turned it over in your hands, examining the cracked cover.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Go on, open it. I think you're gunna like it," he smirked. Carefully, you opened it, seeing the pages were yellow with age. Written on the first page, were the words Property of Steven G. Rogers. You recognised your husband's handwriting.

"Oh my gosh," you whispered.

"That's the name of the guy ya married isn't it? Musta been named after a relative or somethin'."

"Yeah... must've been," you smiled. "Where did you find this?"

"We was doin' a joint down town and one've the inspectors found it stashed under a floorboard. They gave it ta me ta hand inta a museum but I thought my best gal would like it," he winked. Uncle Bob was like a father to you.

"Thank you so much!" you beamed and hugged him.

"Anytime sweetheart."


You took the journal home and carefully examined its contents. Steve was training with the Avengers today so you knew you wouldn't get caught. You turned the pages, reading the entries that were written so long ago. A lot of them were about getting beaten up and some of them were about Bucky. The ones about his mother broke your heart. There were also entries about how badly he wanted to enlist. Occasionally, there was a sketch of a pretty girl he was too scared to talk to or a cartoon of what it'd be like if he was big and strong. On the last page, there were curious markings; one of them dated two days before he was enlisted. They appeared to be measurements of some kind.


Later, you stopped by the Tower to show Steve you uncle's find. They were just wrapping up as you arrived.

"Hey babe," you greeted kissing him.

"Hello darling. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was at my uncle's today and he gave me something interesting," you said, your voice taking on a teasing tone.

"Oh really?"


"And what might that be?"

"Just a little book..." you began, holding up the diary. "Belonging to one of the greatest men I've ever known." He took the journal from you, his eyes widening when he read the front page. He gave you a questioning look.

"My Uncle Bob is a construction worker and they found it in a building he was knocking down," you explained. You both moved to the couch as Steve looked through his old diary while you studied his handsome face. Somewhere behind you, you could hear Tony tinkering. Finally, he reached the final page.

"Steve, what are those?" you asked. Steve slammed the book shut, face turning bright red.

"Measurements," he mumbled, before practically running away.

"Measurements for what?" Tony (who had been watching) choked on his drink and started laughing loudly. A blush crept across your cheeks as the realisation hit you. The length of the last marking was about right, minus about an inch or two, and you couldn't say for thickness, but you definitely knew what your husband was measuring in his teenage years.

"Well... that was one thing he could offer to the ladies before becoming Captain America," you muttered to yourself.

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