Pregnancy Series- Tony Stark

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Your story: Dating Tony Stark could be challenging. At first, you just had a casual fling but after a while, your fling turned into a serious relationship. You knew that Tony loved you, and you loved him but sometimes you felt like you couldn't keep up. Often you would get a little creative to catch his attention.

How it happened: You knew that Tony had a business meeting that night, so the second it was over, you headed to his office. The three men filed out of the room and you stepped in. Tony sat at his desk rubbing his temples. You locked the door and walked up to him.

"Hey there boss-man," you smirked. Tony's head snapped up.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" he asked. You hopped up on the desk.

"Well, I know how much you hate these meetings, so I thought you could do with a little stress relief," you winked, crossing your legs. Your skirt hiked up, revealing the garter you had on your thigh. Tony stared at it before he looked back to your face with darkened eyes.

"Oops. You weren't meant to see that," you said innocently. He gave you a lustful smirk as he stood up and knelt in between your legs.

"No panties? Naughty girl," he mock scolded. Tony dived in; tongue skilfully working on your womanhood and turning you into a moaning mess. He pulled away when you were close to tease you. You glared at him but Tony only smirked at you.

"Off the desk and bend over," he purred. You hastily obeyed as Tony unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants.


Tony pulled out of you and leant heavily against the desk.

"Wow," he panted. "That was fun."

"Thought you would enjoy that," you smiled. Tony chuckled and kissed your head.

"Let's get you to bed babe. You look exhausted." You both righted your clothes and headed off to your shared bedroom for a well deserved sleep.

Finding out/ Telling him: You started feeling sick a few weeks after that night. There was no way you thought you were pregnant at first. You and Tony were always careful, but then you thought back on that night. You didn't use protection and when you went to take your pill, you saw that you had forgotten to take one. Wanting to be one-hundred percent sure, you booked an appointment with the doctor. Tony was suspicious but you simply told him it was a monthly thing. Sure enough, when you went for an ultrasound, there was a precious little life growing inside you.


A month had passed and you still hadn't told him. You were scared that he would leave you or maybe he didn't want the baby. Your friend pushed you into telling him and you knew that he had to know, regardless of what might happen. Today was your anniversary and Tony was taking you out for a fancy dinner tonight. You thought maybe it would be best just to get this over with so you headed down to the lab.

"Hey babe," he greeted upon seeing you. "Happy Anniversary." Tony smiled and kissed you. You gave him a weak smile but he noticed something was wrong.

"You okay babygirl?" You cringed at the word 'baby' but luckily Tony didn't pick up on it.

"Tony... I want to tell something. Actually, I want to show you something," you said, fishing in your purse.

"What is it Y/N?" he asked. With shaking hands, you gave him the picture of the scan you had a few days ago. Tony took it and his eyes widened.

"Are... are you really pregnant?" You nodded and waited for his verdict. He looked back and forth between you and the picture.

"Say something!" you squeaked. Tony broke out into a smile and went to searching for something in the drawers.

"I wanted to do this over dinner tonight but I think this situation calls for it." Taking out whatever he found, he hid it behind his back and stood in front of you.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now. I love you so much Y/N, now more than ever. Our relationship is more than just about sex; you've suck by my side through everything. Now I want to do the same thing for you, by being there for you for the rest of my life..." Tony knelt down on one knee and opened the velvet box in his hand.

"Will you marry me?" By now your eyes had filled with tears.

"Do I have a choice?" you joked. A worried look filled Tony's eyes.

"Is... is that a yes?" You nodded and held your hand out for him to put the ring on your finger.

Pregnancy issues: The biggest issue in your pregnancy was your mood-swings. One minute you were happily sitting on the couch watching a dumb TV show, and the next minute you'd be in tears because there'd be a commercial with a baby in it or something like that. Luckily, Tony found a way to navigate through them (at least the best he could). He did everything he could to make sure you were happy; you basically had the poor man on a string.

The birth: Pepper was taking you for your final appointment before the baby was due. Tony would've taken you himself but he had a big press conference.

"Good luck babe," you said kissing him.

"Aw, thanks dollface." He leant down you kiss your unborn daughter. "And thank you for making mommy's boobies bigger."

"Tony!" you scolded, playfully smacking his head.

"Love you. Both of you," Tony said, placing his hand on your tummy. This baby girl wasn't even born yet and already she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger.


Just as Tony had finished his conference, his phone rang. He answered it to hear Pepper's distressed voice telling him to get to the hospital.

"Is everything alright? Did Y/N go into labour?" There was a moment of silence before she answered.

"There was a car accident. They've taken her into surgery right now." Tony hung up the phone and went straight there.


As soon as he saw Pepper, he broke down.

"Oh Tony, I am so sorry," she comforted, embracing the sobbing man. His heart was totally shattered. Just a few hours ago, Tony had his entire world; the woman that had agreed to be his wife and his child growing inside of her. Now they were both being threatened to be taken away, all because some idiot couldn't wait two minutes to answer a text. Tony was glad he was dead; otherwise, he'd kill the bastard himself.

"Mr. Stark?" the doctor called. Panic seized in Tony's chest.

"Would you like to hold your daughter?" He numbly nodded and followed the doctor.

"Is my fiancé alright?" he asked.

"We've managed to stop the bleeding but she's not out of the woods yet. Her injuries are pretty severe but at least we've saved the life of the child." Tony was led to the nursery and they handed him the precious bundle.

"We need you to sign the birth certificate," a nurse told him. Tony continued to stare at the beautiful girl in his arms.

"Can I do it later?" he asked.

"Of course," she smiled and walked away.

"Hey there, I'm your daddy. I know I'm probably not the one you want right now, but I promise you I'll never let anything happen to you... Maria Anne Stark."


A few hours later, you were wheeled into recovery. Wanting you to bond with your newborn, they placed Maria on your chest. Opening your eyes you sleepily looked at your fiancé and your child.

"Y/N! You're awake. How do you feel?" Tony asked, holding your hand.

"Tired," you mumbled. You smiled down at the baby on your chest. Tony looked at you, tears filling his eyes as he thought about how close he was to losing you both. He silently vowed that he would never let any harm come to you ever again.

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