Worthy of a Goddess- Thor Odinson x Chubby!Reader

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The people at your work were relentless. You were a little plump but you had lost a lot of weight since you had begun there. This didn't stop them from teasing you.


After a particularly bad day, you came home in tears. You sat on the couch, crying in your hands, suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Quickly drying your eyes, you answered it.

"Lady Y/N, I have come to pick you up for our date. This the time you said, is it not?" You managed to crack a smile at your golden-haired boyfriend.

"It is. Sorry Thor, but I don't feel like going out tonight," you sighed and turned around to sit back on the couch.

"My Lady, have you been crying?" he asked, following you inside and closing the door.

"I don't want to talk about it," you said, tears filling your eyes again.

"Please, tell me what ails you." Thor took your hands in his larger ones and looked deeply into your eyes.

"The women at work always make fun of me because I'm not thin like them. I've done what I can to keep my weight under control but it's not enough." You inhaled through your nose, taking in his unique scent.

"Today there was a box of cupcakes and I was about to have one but this woman can up to me and said 'You sure you want to eat that Thunder-thighs?'" Thor's brow creased in confusion.

"I am not familiar with this term." Blushing, you took your hands from his and gazed at your feet, too humiliated to face him.

"It's a derogatory phrase. It means that my legs are so fat, that when they rub together they sound like thunder!" You got off the couch to get away from Thor, embarrassed that you had to explain it to him.

"I know I'll never be pretty like they are, but don't I deserve some credit? I've worked so hard," you sniffed. It distressed Thor to see you like this. In his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman in all the Nine Realms. He wished that you could see yourself the way he does you.

"Lady Y/N, tomorrow night, my father is holding a ball in Asgard. Would you do me the honour of accompanying me?" You smiled at him, wiping your eyes.

"I'd love to."


The following night, Thor took you to Asgard. You had been there a few times before but no matter how many times had passed; it never failed to take your breath away. Thor left you in the capable hands of the servants. They styled your hair into an elegant bun, completed with tiny pearls woven in. Your gown was made of a fine crimson fabric and complimented your curves perfectly. The bust hugged your chest snugly and the skirt flowed gracefully down your legs. You looked in the mirror, unable to believe the gorgeous woman staring back at you, was you.


Later, you were having fun dancing and drinking with Thor's friends. Thor came up behind you, taking your arm and leading you away.

"Lady Y/N, I would like introduce you to someone important." You wondered who it could possibly be. Thor had already introduced you to his friends and family.

"Lady Freya..." Thor addressed a strawberry blonde goddess in a backless, cerulean gown. As she turned around, you couldn't help but notice a few things about her. The front of Freya's dress and generously show off her well-endowed breasts and her neck was adorned with a golden necklace that proudly held rubies and amber stones. The thing that got you most about the lady, was her body. She was built similarly to you, albeit taller but definitely thicker than the other Asgardian women.

"This is Lady Y/N. She is the Midgardian I told you about." Freya's plump lips curved into a smile.

"Oh, I see what you mean, she's lovely isn't she?"

"Th-thank you, Lady Freya." You went to look at Thor, but he had disappeared into the crowd. You spent hours talking to her, until Thor came to collect you when the dancing commenced. The musicians played a waltz and this gave you a chance to quietly talk to Thor.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why did you want me to meet Freya?" you asked. He gave you a cheeky grin.

"Would you like to know what Freya is the goddess of?" You nodded as a blush crept across your face.

"She is the goddess of war, beauty and... sensual love," he whispered in your ear. This certainly explained some of the inappropriate questions and advice she gave you.

"When we arrive in my chambers later, I will show you that you truly are a goddess. Should those women call you 'Thunder-thighs' again, just think of what I am about to do to you My Love." That's exactly what you did. The next time one of your co-workers called you 'Thunder-thighs', you imagined Thor claiming you as his.

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