Belladonna- Bucky Barnes X Reader

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Requested by BunchOBalloons22. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to do a little bit of a twist on the story. Enjoy!

Entombed in this horror by a single red rose

Two beings share a fate that neither one chose

Each one trapped by the other wanting to be released

But who is the real beauty and who is the real beast

Credit of the poem goes to Mezco Toyz, Living Dead Dolls from their Beauty and the Beast 'chipboard'.


There was once a time you considered yourself to be desirable. That was a long time ago, however. A time before Hydra. They had seen potential in you so they took you, experimented you and braded your skin with a rose emblem. Your handler thought it was symbolic as a way of saying that even the most beautiful of things could be deadly.


They had given you the power to shape-shift into a vicious creature. Next to the Winter Soldier, you were one of Hydra's greatest assets. They could use your beauty to their advantage by getting you to lure victims away and when they were alone, you would attack them. They would call you the rose not only because of the angry, red brand on your skin but because of you delicate features and the fact you were deadly.


Often Hydra would partner you with the Winter Soldier when you were on missions. Together you were an unstoppable pair. When you weren't on missions, you often find yourselves near each other. There was just something about him that you were drawn to. He was drawn to you as well. He wanted to get to know you but every time he tried to show his human side, Hydra would wipe it away. They would do the same to you. They needed monsters.


One fateful day, it happened. The Winter Soldier had escaped and you were sent to bring him back or kill him. When you locked eyes with him, you found yourself unable to do it. You couldn't bring him back to that dreadful place nor could you return. You hated the way they treated you; like an animal with a leash around your neck and to be used at your mater's say so. With his help, you felt like you might be able to free yourself of this curse and just maybe, he could break free too.


Many months had passed since you had both made your escape. So far, things had been fairly peaceful. There had been a few close calls but you had managed to evade the tentacles of the shadowy organisation. It had taken some time but you were both slowly starting to gain back your memories and with them, your humanity. You were now two people with names and someone to love and not just pets to be used at a whim.


One night, you were sound asleep when you were woken to the sound of screaming. Bucky was having a nightmare that he was trapped in and you jumped into action. These were a common occurrence between the two of you so when they did, you knew just what to do to help. After getting him to wake and once he settled, you asked him the usual questions. If he knew his name, where he was, if he knew your name; that sort of thing. Fortunately, he was able to answer them all correctly. You got him a glass of water and sat down next to him.

"I should just let them take me back," he stated after a moment of silence.


"I can't get this stuff out my head. Let's face it. We both know I'm a monster..." You went from confused and hurt to angry.

"No, James. I'm a monster. Even with your arm, you still look human. At a moment's notice, I can change into a hideous beast and this ugly reminder of what I went through," you said, pulling your shirt to the side to show him the brand. To your surprise, Bucky kissed the rose shaped scar.

"I don't think you're an ugly monster. I think you're a beautiful woman who went through a traumatic experience." With a soft smile, you gently cupped his face.

"And you're a beautiful man, Bucky who has been through just as much trauma. Never forget that."


Even though you might not have been able to fully break the curse of Hydra, you had each other and that's all that really mattered to you. As long as you had each other, you both felt beautiful.

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