Late Night Whispers- Tony Stark x Reader

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Pepper had warned you not to fall in love with Tony Stark. Pepper was a good friend of yours and had gotten you the job at Stark Tower as Bruce's assistant. At first, it was easy to ignore but as time went on, you developed a huge crush on the egotistical billionaire. You actually had a pretty good friendship with Tony and he rarely hit on you. Sometimes it made you feel rejected, (especially when he was flirting with a random bimbo) but other times, you were relieved. You were scared that your friendship would be ruined if you admitted your feelings. However; your closeness with him allowed you to see the sensitive side of Tony that people almost never got to see.


It was almost four in the morning when you felt someone slipping into bed with you. Immediately waking, you turned your head and almost smacked your face into Tony's.



"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping," came the reply.

"Why aren't you in your own room?"

"Yours is closer," he said, draping his arm around you and nuzzling your hair. You had to admit, this felt nice and you were too tired to kick him out.

"G'night Tony."

"'Night," mumbled into the back of your neck.


You were woken by the offensive sound of your alarm clock. Groaning, you slammed your fist down and moved to get up but the hold on your waist tightened.

"Nooo!" he whined.

"Tony! I have to get up," you scolded.

"But the bed will be cold without you."

"I don't care. Besides, it's not like we're dating or anything."

"Fine," Tony huffed, turning on his side and pulling the covers over his head. It slightly hurt seeing him sulk like this but you had to start getting dressed for the day. Little did you know that Tony was actually feeling quite rejected by your comment. He was in love with you too but his pride got in the way. Later that night, he hooked up with some supermodel he met at a party to forget about this morning's rejection.


A few nights later, Tony was coming home late from a charity gala. It was for children, so they didn't serve alcohol. Normally Tony wouldn't go to an event that didn't serve booze, but it gave him an excuse to show off. The reason why he was so late was due to the hordes of fans swarming him. He was about to pour himself a drink but when he stepped into the kitchen, he froze. You were sound asleep on the kitchen table with your face pressed on the paper you signing and the pen still in your hand. Tony walked over to you and gently shook your shoulder.

"Y/N, wake up."

"Huh? Wha-?" you muttered. He peeled the paper off your face and resisted the urge to laugh at your ink printed cheek.

"You fell asleep. Come on, let's get you to bed." He helped you stand and started to guide you out of the kitchen.

"But I've still got a lot of paperwork to do," you protested.

"And it'll still be there tomorrow when you wake up." Tony assisted you into your room as you were unable to keep your eyes open.

"Get changed into your pyjamas, I'm just going to get something to wash your face," informed you. As much as Tony would like to take a peek at you, he respected your boundaries. He waited until he was sure you were dressed before walking out of the bathroom. You were sitting on your bed with your eyes closed, almost ready to drop. Tony dabbed your cheek with the warm, soapy, washcloth. He admired your dainty lashes as he cleaned your face.

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