Just Us Girls- Clint Barton x PlusSize!Reader

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Warnings: Body insecurities, mild nudity, mild swearing, mentions of death, mentions of homophobia

A/N: Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I thought I would dedicate this fic to all those whose lives have been affected by it. This is a subject I take very seriously as I have lost relatives to breast cancer and had a scare of my own this year. Remember, if something doesn't feel right to you, go and have it checked out by your doctor. Even if it turns out to be nothing, at least you can have peace of mind.

Thank you to Yavanna80 for being my Beta reader


Ever since the loss of your grandmother, the topic of breast cancer awareness was very near and dear to your heart. Whenever possible, you would bring up the subject on your beloved radio show 'Venus' which covered all things female from women's health to issues in society. If you could help put the word out there and help at least one woman, it meant the world to you.

A few weeks ago, there was a televised event held where some famous men stripped down to raise awareness of prostate cancer. Men like Tony Stark of Stark Industries, comedian Luis, artist Steve Rogers, TV presenter Phil Coulson, fitness trainer Sam Wilson and a few others. The act was choreographed by dancer Clint Barton who would be working on a similar project; this time for ladies raising awareness for breast cancer. When you heard about this event, you immediately signed on.

That first day, you walked into the dance studio that would become your home base for the next few weeks. As you looked around the room, you recognised the other women who also signed on for the project. There was Jennifer Walters who was best known as her role as a hard hitting lawyer Jennifer Shulky in the hit show SMASH. Then there was Ellie Phimister who was the drummer in the all girl band Negasonic Teenage Warhead. May Parker who ran a segment on child rearing on a popular talk show was there. You also spotted the renowned model Vanessa Carlyse and acclaimed journalist Nakia. Finally, there was motivational speaker Sharon Carter.

"Good morning, ladies! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Clint Barton. How about we get started by telling us all what brought us here today?"

The group of women all looked at each other wondering who would be first before Sharon put her hand up.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Sharon and the reason I'm here is to honour my great Aunt Peggy. She was an amazing woman. She survived all of World War II as a part of the British Armed Forces and an agent of MI5... she even kept her maiden name after she married. When she was first given the diagnosis, she was insistent she didn't want any treatment, telling us she had lived her life and that it was her time..."

The group fell silent as everyone reflected on her words. You decided to go next.

"I'm Y/N, and I'm here because I lost my grandmother to breast cancer. She was a tough ol' bird and like Sharon's Aunt Peggy, she refused the treatment, saying that she had a good life and they should use their sources to try and save someone else... She had a generous spirit."

May Parker went next.

"My name is May, I'm here because I lost my husband Ben to breast cancer..."

There was a look of surprise from the group but they allowed her to continue.

"It was quite a shock. Ben found a lump in his chest and first we thought it was just a cyst but they ran a few tests and found it was cancer. He fought as hard as he could but..."

Clint handed her a box of tissues nearby as she began to tear up and Sharon gently hugged her. There was another moment of silence before Nakia spoke.

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