ANZAC Day- Army Bros x Australian!Reader

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A/N: I swear this is the last one I'll do before getting on with the requests! Today is ANZAC Day in Australia and I really wanted to do something for that. This is more a friendship one shot than a romantic one. Also, just a quick disclaimer on The Ode, as I do not own it in anyway.


You had transferred from Australia to America in June of the previous year. The other Avengers helped you adjust to life in America but you couldn't help making comparisons. The slang was different, the seasons were different, even the holidays were different. You had made your peace with missing some of the Australian holidays, but there was one you absolutely were not going to miss...


Bucky, Steve and Sam were up early and getting ready for their usual morning jog.

"I'm going to destroy you two old men today!" Sam declared.

"When have you ever, Wilson?" Bucky smirked.

"Guys, can we just..." Steve's attention was suddenly diverted as he heard the sound of the TV going. That was strange. No one was usually up at this hour. The others heard it too and they went to investigate.

"Y/N?" Steve asked. You looked up from your spot on the couch.

"Oh, hey fellas."

"What are you doing up?"

"I wanted to watch the Dawn Service at Gallipoli." The three men looked at you strangely.

"Back home, it's ANZAC Day; the day we commemorate when our soldiers landed on the shores of Gallipoli." The males all sat down on the couch.

"Aren't you going for your run?" you asked, confused.

"We can put it off for one day. Tell us more about this Dawn Service," Bucky insisted. You smiled at him.

"Well, I've attended every Dawn Service ever since I was a little girl."

"You really went over there?" Sam asked.

"No. Although that would be amazing. Every town all over Australia has a war memorial that the people gather and hold the service." They listened to you speak and watched the service, occasionally asking questions. Near the end of the service, they recited The Ode and you spoke along with them.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Lest we forget.

After that, they played The Last Post and the four of you stood to pay your respects. During the minute's silence, you thought of the soldiers that lost their lives on the shores on Gallipoli while the males thought of the men they lost in the wars. When the service was over, you turned off the TV and smiled at the three soldiers.

"Want to help me make ANZAC biscuits? I got all the stuff yesterday because I forgot today's not a public holiday over here."

"What are they?" Steve asked.

"The Australian women sent them in care packages to the soldiers fighting over seas. The recipe was made because they lasted long enough to get there. Come on, I'll show you how to make them."


You spent the whole day with Sam, Steve and Bucky. They asked you questions about the ANZACs and you asked them about their war stories. By the end of the day, you were feeling closer than ever to your three fellow team mates.

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