Pregnancy Series- Bruce Banner

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For this last one, I thought I might try something a little different. Sorry this one's shorter than the rest.

Your story: You had been married to Bruce for a few years now. You loved him dearly and had long come to terms with not having children.


One night as you were getting ready for bed, you noticed Bruce was deep in thought.

"What's on your mind?" you asked kindly. Bruce sighed sadly and got into bed with you.

"I saw you today playing with your friend's baby and I couldn't help but see the look on your face. You want children don't you?" Your face fell. You'd be lying if you hadn't thought about it.

"Y/N, you know I can't give you a baby, I just can't. I don't know why you even married me." You grabbed Bruce's face and made him look at you.

"I married you because I love you Bruce. And it wouldn't matter if you could give me a child, because I couldn't carry it." Bruce fell silent and listened to you.

"You remember how I told you about the car accident I was in?" Bruce nodded and ran his hand along your scarred thigh.

"I never told you the full extent of my injuries. My uterus was so damaged, they had to remove it. My other reproductive organs still work but I can't carry a baby." You broke into broken sobs and Bruce held you in his arms.

"I'm a freak Bruce. I can't even do the one thing a woman is meant to do!" Bruce kissed the top of your head.

"We're both freaks darling." That night, you cried yourself to sleep.

How it happened: You were working in the lab, when Bruce came by to see if you wanted to get lunch together. He had a big smile on his face.

"What're you so happy about?" you asked.

"Y/N, I've been experimenting with my sperm and I think I've made a breakthrough. We might be able to a baby after all."

"But Bruce-"

"You said it yourself, your eggs are still fine; all we need is a surrogate." A surrogate? You never thought about using a surrogate before.

"Sure, let's do it," you beamed.


A few days later, you were discussing your problem with your sister.

"Why don't I do it for you?" she offered.

"Really? You'd do that for us?"

"Of course Y/N. You'd make great parents and you're my sister and I love you." In the following weeks, she was inseminated.

Finding out: A month later, you got a call from your sister. She wanted you to meet her with Bruce straight away. When you arrived, she proudly held up five pregnancy sticks, all of them positive. You both hugged her and thanked her.

"Why did you wait so long to call us?" you asked.

"I wanted to make sure. Y/N, you and Bruce deserve this, so much," she beamed.

Pregnancy issues: Thankfully, there weren't too many problems. Your sister moved in with you temporarily. As you and Bruce were both scientists, she was slightly overwhelmed by the stories that you came home with.

The birth: You and Bruce were both at work when it happened. Your sister called you and told you her water had broke. You told your boss and immediately went to her, calling Bruce on the way. You got her to the hospital and Bruce met you there. Once her contractions got closer together, they wheeled her into the delivery room. You held her hand and guided her through her breathing and Bruce went to get her anything she needed like ice-chips. After many hours of labour, Harmony Jade Banner entered the world. Bruce held your daughter and you hugged your sister.

"Thank you so much for this," you whispered, tears filling your eyes.

"You're very welcome." You kissed the side of her head and walked up to Bruce. He handed you Harmony and you gazed down in wonder at her. You couldn't believe it; you were finally a mother.

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