Step Two: Find An Alien

Start from the beginning

Max followed me in, eyes drilling into the back of my head. I walked around to the lockers and pointed to a few.

“If you do gym, then you can use these to put your stuff in them,” I explained, dumbing things down because Max didn't seem like a very bright kid.

“How interesting,” he said robotic-ally for the millionth time. I'd come to expect it now.

I put my hands in my pockets, feeling around for my phone to text Vee, while Max's eyes locked onto mine. They were a stunning gentle blue, which seemed almost out of character to him. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my girlfriend.

Showing the new kid around as punishment. Probs wont make it over yours before dinner, sorry babe :(

I sent it and then waited in the silence and dank of the boys locker rooms for her reply. Max didn't move, he stood there like a brick glowering at me like I was the greatest thing in the world. It was freaky, I didn't like it, and finally it got on my last nerve.

“Will you quit it?” I finally snapped. Max tilted his head to the side once again, wide eyes still locked on mine. He rushed forward and I stepped back away from him, my back crashing into one of the lockers. Max placed his hands either side of me, bringing his face close and searching mine.

“How old are you?” he asked me. I was too shocked to respond and when I didn't, his eyebrows raised and he smashed his hands back into the lockers, making me flinch. As his hands hit the cold thin metal, the showers gushed on. Every single one of them, magically, without anyone touching them.

My eyes flicked to them and frowned, Max's stiff frame still leaning over me waiting. He continued to glower at me, then frowned and loosened, following my gaze. When he saw the running water he stepped back, running his hands through his hair. The water stopped just as instantly as they started.

“Sorry... anger is a new thing for me,” Max mumbled, that overly cheerful smile returning on his lips. My voice was caught in my throat. This guy was... a psychopath!

“Whatever,” I said and ran out of there, finding my way back to the office. I burst through Niel's room out of breath, making the habitants jump, as my phone buzzed in my hand.

“Where's Max?” Neil asked me, rising from his chair with a frown furrowing his brow. Mr and Mrs Eunston rose too, sharing a look of concern with each other.

“Ah, he's coming,” I lied and stepped back out of the office doorway, shuffling my feet until I was leaning against the office desk. On cue, Max walked into the office behind me, still smiling.

“Well, I believe everything is in order,” Neil said to Max's parents after glancing over me warily, and led them helpfully to the front of the office. “Max can start tomorrow!” The two adults nodded idly, like they were in a trance, as their son led them from the building. I watched them go, and as Max walked through the doors, he turned his head over his shoulder and looked back at me. His smile was gone and a shudder ran down my spine.

“Creepy,” I whispered, turning around to see Neil standing behind me. Thunder erupted in the sky and I freaked out of my skin, letting out a girlie yelp. I dropped my phone to the floor and it fell into three pieces. I groaned and bent down to pick it all up and put it back together.

“What was that about?” Neil asked, turning his back to me and leading me back to his office. I followed him, because my school bag was still in there against the wall. I grabbed it and put it over both shoulders, turning my phone back on. I didn't look at him, but I knew he was staring at me with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for an answer. I shrugged.

How To Befriend An Alien (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now