Solution of Solitude

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Bruce walks back to John's van with everyone in the car and just smiles at them and starts crying. Elizah Steps out of the van with a concerned look. "Dad, what's wrong?" "I met the leader. He said we can join their community." Elizah hugs Bruce and cries aswell. Bruce goes on to tell the rest of his family and it's nothing but tears and smiles because of the long journey they have been through so far.

Sebastian and Anya walk over to Bruce and Sebastian asks him to go ahead and drive his car into the community. Sebastian looks up to a community gate keeper and yells to him to open the gate so Bruce can drive in. Cason walks over to the van once Bruce drives in and he says "Well Bruce.. I hope we can make your beautiful family a very happy family. I can tell you guys have been through a lot. We can only give you guys one house sadly so I'm sorry but it's a pretty big house so I hope you guys don't mind. Once you get moved in, I want to talk to every member of your family just so I can get to know them." Bruce smiles and shakes Cason's hand. "Thank you Cason. For everything. We'll do our part around here. I promise." Bruce drives to their house and they all get settled in.

John walks over to Bruce and gives him a hug. "Hey brother. I just wanted to say thank you for finding a home for Sam and I. We really appreciate you." "John, it's no problem. You gave my family and I a home after my father and house was burnt to ashes." John pats Bruce's shoulder and walks into the living room to talk to Sam. Cason knocks on the door and asks for each member of the group to come out one by one so he can get to know them. The first one is Isabella and they sit on the front porch of their new house.

Cason looks at Isabella with a smile and shakes her hand. "Hello Miss. My name is Cason West, Dominus of Nova Terra." "It's nice to meet you Cason. Thank you for bringing my family and I into your community. Just out of curiosity, how are you the leader? No disrespect at all but you seem a bit young to lead such a big place." "Well, good question. When I was nineteen, my father, Ashton West, ran this place. He taught Latin at a university. When the outbreak happened, my dad lead most of the families here to safety. He basically became our unofficial leader here by popular demand considering he just saved them all. It was a few months into the apocalypse and a man named Zero killed my Father. Therefore, I'm the new leader of Nova Terra. I'm trying my best. It's not easy, but hell. I know I'm making my dad proud considering all I used to do was sit in my room all day and play video games." "I'm sorry about your Dad Cason. I have to ask... who's zero?"

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