War of This Undead World: Part Two

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"TODAY WILL BE THE DAY THAT BRUCE HARPER PERISHES!!" Screams Malum. "Dad, I'm sick of this fucker." Bruce just looks down feeling mentally defeated. "Cason was just a kid.. and he was the man who believed that i could lead Nova Terra... Elizah.. this is my fault." "Dad, you know who's fault this is. We have to bring Malum down." Bruce looks up with tears in his eyes. "Honey.. we can't kill him." "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU M-" Bruce stands up and Elizah stops mid-sentence because she knows the face that her father has on right now. "We'll be no better than he is if we just kill everyone in our way. I'm tired of killing. We are past our extinction date and we are out here having senseless wars. We must lock him up for the rest of his days.. He deserves to rot in a cell." Elizah looks down and then stands up herself. Bruce looks down, almost as if he's ashamed of what he just said. "Okay, Dad. Let's go." Elizah says as she hands her dad a Knife. Bruce's eyes light up as he realizes that he just taught Elizah one of the most important things she has ever heard. 

Bruce and Elizah gather the trained soldiers of Nova Terra along with John and Sam. They leave their building and enter Malum's. They fight and defeat non-lethally 14 stories worth of Malum's troops.  They reach the top where Malum is sitting on a throne with Umbra next to him just smiling. "Time to go to my kingdom, Bruce." says Malum with an evil smile. Bruce walks towards Malum with a knife. "This is for cason. This is for Bill. This is for hurting Sam and my Daughter. This is for my Wife. Elizah and the others, stay out of this! I've got this." Malum stands up and charges Bruce with his chains. He whips the knife out of Bruce's hand. "Brucey, you don't understand what is happening here, sheep." says Umbra as he watches the last stand. Bruce lands two punches to Malum's face but then gets kneed in his stomach. "God damn, Bruce. That actually hurt." says Malum. "You haven't felt shit yet" says Bruce. Bruce proceeds to leap onto Malum and breaks his arm with a hammer he had hidden in his pants. "FUCKKKKKK!!!" Screams Malum in agony. Umbra has watched enough. He kicks Bruce in the head and throws Bruce to the edge of the rooftop. Malum then gets up and kicks Bruce almost off the building. John then tackles Umbra and stabs him in the heart. "Take that you weird fuck!" screams John with hatred.

Bruce is about to fall off.

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