Elizah vs The Elders: Part Three

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"John.. you're my brother. My best fucking friend man. That'll never change. But you went against us doing this peacefully." Says Bruce. "Bruce, I fell. They woke up and wanted blood. He had a gun to my damn head. We had no choice and I couldn't be more proud of that daughter of yours. She knew what I knew. That we had to kill them." Explains John. "My daughter killed people tonight. My wife killed people tonight. Your girlfriend killed people tonight. Do you not see how that's wrong? Killing was never an ok thing. Ever. But now that the undead is here, trying to take our world, it's ok to kill now?" Asks Bruce. "It's ok to survive. And if we didn't kill some of Tyler's men tonight, we wouldn't have survived. Do you remember when you killed Xavier? It's no different." Says John. Bruce just looks down and walks up to Elizah.

"Hey Dad. Are you proud of me? I tried my best tonight." Says Elizah. "I'm proud of you no matter what. Elizah. Do you enjoy killing?" Asks her concerned father. "Hell no. But fighting? Bring on as many people as you can. I'll fight Tyler and his goons all by myself. He threatened me and my family tonight. I want to beat his face in. Teach him not to fuck with us." Explains Elizah. Bruce smiles and gives her a hug. "Let's get that leg patched up. Isabella, Grab some bandages and alcohol please." Isabella gets the supplies and they patch up Elizah's stab wound.

*few months pass*
Tyler walks up to the store with six men and Rey. None of them have guns but have knifes and are blood thirsty for the assault. Bruce and the rest of the group always go to the store once a day and wait on Tyler to show up again. With a few months going by with no signs of Tyler, Bruce figured he could go with John, Sam, and Isabella to look for a new store to find supplies since sam's mom's store is low on supplies. They all leave Elizah on watch at their store to make sure Tyler doesn't get in.

Tyler knocks on the Stores door and jumps back to wait for someone to come back. Elizah walks out with a shotgun she originally took from the Elders. Elizah sees Tyler and his seven people with knives ready to kill her with knives. "Well Sam. You didn't teach me to be a puss." Says Elizah in her head. Elizah drops the shotgun and puts her fists up. She flicks her nose with her thumb to signal to Tyler that she's ready to fight. Two men charge at Elizah and she kicks one of their knees out, and dodges the other one. She kicks the guy she dodged in the back and sends him flying into the store's wall. He cracks his head and dies instantly. The man who she kicked in the knee gets back up and slices at her with a knife. He cuts the stomach of her shirt and that gives her the opportunity to kick his knee again and kick him in the face unconscious. She motions with her hand to Tyler for him to bring anyone else on. A man named Bill who is 6'7 walks up. "Come on you little bitch." Utters the tall man. He charges at her she dodges a tackle. She jumps onto his back and puts him into a rear naked choke hold. He tries to fling her off but he's starting to fall asleep. He slams his back that she's on into the store's wall and that almost makes Elizah let go but she doesn't and she makes him pass out. She picks up a knife from Bill and throws it at a man standing next to Tyler. It lands in his neck and he dies. She quickly grabs the knifes from the two first guys she took out. Two more men charge at Elizah, and she easily dodges them, turns around, and stabs them in the neck at the same time with her two knifes. Rey and Tyler are the only two left. Elizah with blood all over her just motions for them to bring it on too.

"What's your name?" Calmly asks Tyler. "Elizah." Says Elizah with a cocky smile. "I'm going to kill you Elizah. Remember that." Says Tyler. "I just took out six of your men by myself. How exactly will you even come close to touching me?" Says Elizah. "I'm an Elder. You're not. I've already won and you don't see it. But you will. Right before I kill you, you will." Says Tyler. "Not if I kill you first." Says Elizah. Bruce and the group arrive from their search of a new store. Tyler see's the car and he and Rey run off. "Elizah, did you do this by yourself?" Asks Bruce with his eyes very wide from the sight of bodies laying around Elizah. "Yeah she did." Says Sam with a super big smile.

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