Malum's Answer

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"Sam, what happened to you guys?" Asks Isabella. "These Men with trench coats.. they captured us, whipped us with chains. They were monsters." "Please just get some rest you two. We've got a lot of preparing to d- "THE GATES ARE BEING BREACHED, FALL BACK" a guardian of Nova Terra screams.

The gates are being knocked down by black bulldozers. Men are being dragged by chains on the back of black horses once the intruders enter. "Oh my god, it's them." Sam says looking out of the medical room window. "Everybody, barricade the doors!" Screams Isabella. Isabella wakes Bruce up in the other room. "Baby, we're getting attacked." "What? I've gotta get up" "No, Bruce. You need to rest." "Baby, I've got to go help. You aren't stopping me." The doors get barricaded and Sam, Isabella, Bruce, and Elizah all just listen to nothing but screams while they sit in the dark, waiting for the attack to end. Their door then gets broken down by one of those black bulldozers. Men with the black trench coats rush in and drag everyone out by chains and they all get lined up, tied together by chains. "Hell is upon thee." Says the tall man with the eye patch while laughing. "Fuck you." Says Bruce. The tall man then whips a chain into Bruce's back. "Stop this!" Screams Isabella while crying. "Is Malum ready? When you see his black horse named famine, you will know that it's the end your world." Four minutes pass by and all you hear is a rumble of horses heading towards Nova Terra. They arrive with a black horse in the front. "Welcome upon thee, your end." The tall man screams at Bruce and his family. The man riding famine is dragging Jonathan and bill by a chain. They are bloody from road rash. "John.. brother." Says Bruce with tears in his eyes. A man with long black hair and a long black beard gets off Famine. He walks up to Bruce and touches his chin "I'm your brother now." The man then proceeds to throw Bill and John into the chain line. "My name is Malum. You will die today if I decide it's necessary. Why? I am judge, jury, and executioner of this new world. Evil is everywhere. I am everywhere. I don't understand why you all are so scared. You'll get to serve me, even in death. I promise." Says Malum with a smile. "To be chocked by metallum anguis is an honor." Malum walks to famine and grabs his black chain. He then walks up to Bill. "You... you seem so strong. Brave. Full of hate. Full of life. You'll be a nice servant in death." Malum then ties the chain around bill's neck and starts choking him. Bill falls onto his back and Malum then brings out a black Bowie knife and starts stabbing bill in his stomach and doesn't stop until his guts are on the outside of his body. Malum then proceeds to wear Bill's intestines around his neck. Everybody is crying. "I'll kill you, you fucking monster." Screams Bruce. Malum laughs and says "well, you're right about one thing. I am a fucking monster." Malum then wraps the chain around Isabella's neck and starts choking her to death. Then he grabs the same Bowie knife and starts ribbing her insides out infront of her husband and daughter. Isabella and Bill are dead. It starts raining. "Baby.. no. I love you.. I can't lose you." Screams Bruce. "You just did. She's mine now. Isn't it beautiful? They'll awaken and will devour the rest of you. Your end is here, brother." Malum says with a smile. They all ride off leaving Bruce and the rest of Gus family that's Alive chained together.

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