A Step Into The Unknown

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Bruce and the group pack into John's van and drive fifty miles north. When they hit the forty six mile mark, they run into a man and a girl covered in black armor with the letters S-O-S written on their chest plate with red spray paint. "Stop the car and step out driver." Orders the man with a megaphone. Bruce steps out and puts his hands up. "What's your business here sir?" Asks the man. "We're trying to find a place to stay. That is my family in the car. We're hungry and have been traveling for awhile." Explains Bruce. "What do the letters stand for on your chest?" Asks Bruce.

"The solution of solitude. My name is Sebastian. Not a single person deserves to live in this world alone so Anya and I are called the enforcers of the solution. We bring people into our community." Explains Sebastian. "Can you bring my family and I in?" Asks Bruce. "We need to do a background check. First thing I have to ask is. Is anyone bitten?" Asks Sebastian. "I was during the start but it healed. No one else has been bit in my group." Explains Bruce. "Oh, well good for you man. I was bit too. But I lost my wife to it so I guess the bite likes to choose it's victims really. It's not fair I lived and she didn't. Anyways, do you have any guns?" Asks Sebastian. "Everyone in my group has one gun, yes." Says Bruce. "Ok. Just know, if you try anything. You will be gutted in front of everyone in our community. We are good people but we also aren't good people who like to get pushed around. We call ourselves Nova Terra, which is Latin for the new land." Explains Sebastian. "Thank you Sebastian." Says Bruce with a smile. "Of course. Get back in your van and follow us." Says Sebastian. Sebastian and Anya get on black horses and lead Bruce into a community surrounded by very tall walls.

"Come on out!" Sebastian Screams to Bruce. Bruce gets out of the van. "You're going to the meet the Dominus, which is Latin for the owner." Says Sebastian. "Lead the way. Guys, I'll be back." Says Bruce to his group. "Dominus Cason West, Meet Bruce. A man I found on the road. I brought him here for an interview with you so you can grant me the permission to enforce my solution of Bruce and his family's solitude." Explains Sebastian. "Well Sebastian. Anya. Thank you, and I will inform of you my decision after the interview. Stand outside the door." Orders Cason. Sebastian and Anya nod once and leave the room. "So Bruce, welcome to Nova Terra. We love people. We hate monsters. So what are you, Bruce, a person or a monster?" Asks Cason. "A person." Answers Bruce. "Have you ever met a monster Bruce?" Asks Cason. "Yeah, a few." Answers Bruce. "What were their names?" Asks Cason. "Melvin, Xavier, and Tyler." Says Bruce. "What made them monsters Bruce?" Asks Cason with his hand on his chin. "They never understood that humans weren't the threat. The only threat we have anymore is the undead." Says Bruce. Cason smiles. "Sebastian, come in and enforce." Says Cason. Bruce smiles and tears roll down his cheek. "Thank you Cason." Says Bruce.

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