The Bite

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Isabella screams "what the fuck Sam!?" And she rushes to Bruce's unconscious body and tries to wake him up. John says "Sam, the fuck is wrong with you!?" Sam replies "He's bit! That's how my dad turned!" John replies "Isabella, when did he get bit?" Isabella, with tears running down her face "Last week, it's just a big scab now really." Bruce wakes up and asks "ow, the fuck Sam?" And she looks at him with flashbacks of punching her dad over and over. "Bruce.. my dad died getting bit. I can't risk you being here."

"Sam, how fast did he turn?" Asks Bruce with anxiety running high. "The second he 'died' from blood loss. He also had a fever and couldn't stop throwing up." Explains Sam. "I've been bit for Atleast a week Sam. I feel fine. It's healing. I don't know whatever this is can infect everyone or not but so far, I'm fine. So please. Stop punching me unconscious and let us stay here." "Ok. But you sleep on the couch down here by yourself until we know more about this infection." Bruce replies "as long as Isabella and Elizah have beds, then deal." John grabs Bruce's hand and picks him up and says "sorry about that Brother." "It's ok John. I understand why she did it." Replies Bruce.
Sam kisses John and says "I'm glad you got home.. I missed you babe." "I love you Sam." Says John which leads into another kiss and a hug.

Elizah asks Sam "So.. my dad has always told me about how you can fight.. can you teach me some of that?" Sam smirks and says "In this world, you'd die if I didn't." Elizah smiles and gets a little nervous from any possibility of her dying so she says "can you teach me now please?" "Of course Elizah." Sam leads her into the gym room Sam has on the second floor of the house. Over 6 hours pass after hundreds of punches and kicks to the punching bag, Elizah and Sam take a break.

Bruce tells John how it felt to kill Mel. "John... I stabbed him so many times.. I had so much hate in my heart. He killed my father. He could've killed my wife and child. He killed an entire neighborhood by burning their houses down just because he fucking could. He needed to die John. He needed too. The undead are the only enemy anymore. We don't need this human vs human bullshit to cross over into this new world. So if I have to kill to prevent that, I will. To save my family. To help save this world."

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