A Man to Take Down

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"I know you've been through a lot but I have no bad intentions at all Elizah." It was nice to meet you. I have a busy day so please bring out the next one." They shake hands and Elizah grabs John. John walks out and sits down. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. What is your name?" John looks Cason up and down with a death stare "John." "Well Hello John. Tell me about yourself." "These people are my family. If you even look at any of them funny, I'll put a knife in the base of your skull and that's all you need to know about me." John walks back into the house and sends Bill out to talk.

"Hey man, it's nice to meet you." Says Bill with a big smile. "It's nice to meet you too Bill. My name is Cason. I'm the leader of this community. Tell me Bill, what puts that big smile onto your face?" "Well bud. I've always wanted a group of people to just have a good time with in this screwed up world. I lost my family so I'm ready to just relax and have a good time until I'm eighty." "I respect that man. That's the dream and I hope Nova Terra will answer all of your dreams." Bill smiles, shakes Cason's hand and Cason tells him to bring another group member out. Bill walks into the house and grabs Sam. "Hey, John told me he warned you. I wanted to say sorry. He and the rest of us have been through a lot."

"It's ok. It's nice to meet you Sam. What are some things you would like me to know about yourself?" "Well. I have over twenty years of martial arts experience so if you need security for this place, I'm your girl for the job. I taught Elizah everything I know and she learned it under a year. She's amazing and I hope one day that this place will see the potential in her that I do." "Well Sam, I do see potential in her. To be honest, I see a lot of potential in all of you. It was great to meet you, but I have a busy schedule. Before I go, can you have Bruce come out?" Sam nods and brings Bruce out. Bruce sits and Cason looks at him with a dead serious face and says "Bruce, I need your help. I miss my dad. So much. And I know you can't bring him back. But I do ask. Since I did you the favor of accepting you into Nova Terra, can you do me the favor of getting rid of Zero and his group?" "Cason... I don't know. I don't want my family to do anymore killing then they have too." "Bruce, what happened to your father?"

"Well.. a man named Melvin threw a Molotov cocktail threw a window and my dad was next to the window. He burned alive." "And what happened to Mel?" "I stabbed him until John pulled me off." "Please.. get rid of Zero Bruce. There is no future of Nova Terra while Zero is still out there." "Fine. I owe you one anyways. Where does Zero and his group stay?" "They stay at a run down apartment complex near here. Please Bruce.. be careful." Bruce nods his head and walks back into the house and Cason walks off. Bruce yells for everyone to gather around. Everyone in the group sits in front of Bruce on the living room couch and love chairs. "Cason wants us to take Zero down. So, we will. Tonight." Everyone in the room gathers supplies without question.

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