Losing My Love

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Bruce and Elizah are both crying horribly. "Bruce. Elizah. I know you just lost something but we needs to get back at them." "Baby... I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry." Says Bruce while crying. "Mommy.. no.. oh my god no!!" Screams Elizah while crying. Bruce grabs Elizah and they hug, Both crying. Both in the worst pain they've ever felt.

Sebastian walks up, crying, with a buzz saw in his hand. It takes hours to get the chains broke off their wrists. "Let's get the bodies. We need to have a funeral for them." John says to Sebastian with tears rolling down his face. Sebastian nods and has guardians pick up their bodies. A few days go by. The walls are rebuilt, everybody hurt. Mentally and physically from Malum's actions.

"Dearly beloved. I promised you love until our end. You gave me the beautiful gift of love and our daughter. You are my best friend and I never thought I'd have to live life ever again without you. We met on some stupid dating app but we hugged the second we saw each other. I fell in love the second we touched. I'll miss you for the rest of my life. You were the best girl on the planet and for some monster to take to away is not fair. I'll get him for you. I promise. Just promise to wait up in heaven for me until it's my day to reunite with you. My one and true love. Thank you, baby. Goodbye." Bruce says while crying.

"Mom. I love you so much. You were my best friend too. You and dad are my entire world so I promise to make you proud by taking this world back from those who have ruined it. The type of people who took you away from us will be washed away from this planet. I promise you that. I will tell my kids about how beautiful of a person their grandma was. I'll never stop missing you." Elizah says crying.

Bruce and Elizah end up being the last people left at the funeral for Isabella and Bill. Elizah places a beautiful tulip on her mother's grave and they both walk away, Bruce's arm around Elizah.

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