War of This Undead World: The End

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"Dad, no!" She rushes to help her dad as he is about to fall. Malum ends up pushing Bruce before Elizah can reach him but she stops Malum with a kick to the stomach. Bruce is hanging off the building's ledge with one hand. Elizah grabs his hand "Dad, please get up." "Elizah, hey. It's okay, honey. I got to see you grow up.. you've become such a wonderful young woman. I love you so Much, Elizah Mae Harper. This is your world." Bruce looks into her eyes, smiles with tears in his eyes and lets go. Elizah screams with tears in her eyes.

Bruce was very tired. He had to go and give Isabelle a hug in the afterlife.

John knocks out Malum and helps Elizah up as she's heavily sobbing.

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