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Cason looks down and sighs. "Zero was a man we let in and he and his group was a cult basically. Zero would tell his group that the new world we are in is a way to exterminate what corrupted the human race from the beginning which in his opinion was over population so he and his cult stole and killed over five children from different families in one night. The families were all screaming and crying at my father to find the killer and so my father knocked on Zero's door because there was no trouble here before him so I guess he assumed it was them and a shotgun blast went through the door and penetrated his stomach and died instantly. I ran outside and found my dad's dead body. Zero and his cult ran away and I want nothing but revenge. I miss my dad so much Isabella."

Cason looks up towards the sunny sky with tears running down his face. "It's ok though. Zero will get his. I just have a feeling." "I'm sorry Cason. I know we just met but I can tell you're a good kid. I'm always here for you if you need anything." "Thank you Isabella. Is that your daughter in there? Can you bring her out next?" Isabella nods and has Elizah walk out. She sits down and shakes his hand. "Hi, I'm Elizah. Thank you for bringing us in." "You're welcome Elizah. I see much potential in you. I have to ask. Where did you get that big scar on your chest?"

"Well.. damn. That's a big first question actually. Ok.. so a man named Xavier was in our group and he hurt me pretty badly so my father killed him by pushing him into undead. That's how I got my scar." "I'm sorry that happened to you. There's some really bad people in this world." "There was also a man named Melvin who caught my grandpa on fire in front of me with a Molotov and a man named Tyler who believed he was a ruler of the world. So Cason, if you have any bad intentions with my family and I, you and I will have problems."

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