The End

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4 years have passed.

Elizah has married Gavin and she's pregnant with a baby girl, she's due in two months. Her name will be Isabelle. 

John and Sam have a baby boy named Cason.

Nova Terra now has a population of 42,675 people.

"I called you all here today for a meeting to tell you about a wonderful man. This man was an office worker, a husband, a best friend, a fighter, and overall, this man was a wonderful Father. On his last day on earth, he taught me a valuable lesson and that if we kill, we end up being no better than the killers. Four months after my father's passing, Sebastian found of a crew and built our first Jail House to punish those who have wronged us. Bruce William Harper was this man's name and he shall never be forgotten. Dad, i love you. My mother was a smart, loving, funny and caring woman who never gave up until the end. She made a lot of us here feel loved to a degree we can never repay. I miss you both... i hope this shows you two the recognition you deserve." Elizah unveils a statue of Bruce and Isabelle holdings hands, smiling while they sit on a bench.

The End.

Hello, My name is Devlin Blevins. This was my first ever story and i hope a lot more of the world gets to see it one day. My goal with this story is to someday make it into a tv series or a movie trilogy. I wanted to convey that even a simple zombie story can have a beautiful message of love and hope and i hope i did just that. If you have made it here, thank you so much. You don't understand how much it means to me that you've read this. Thank you.

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