What is Time Anymore?

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11 months has passed and Elizah is now 17 and now knows many fundamentals and skills that Sam does when it comes to fighting. Bruce's bite is just a scar so it's safe to say that he isn't going to turn. Bruce, Isabella, and John have been fortifying the surroundings of Sam's house by adding barb wire around the fences that are surrounding their home. Their is a local grocery market that Sam's mom has owned so Sam just gives John the key and they go get supplies whenever they need them. It's been 2 months since Bruce and John has ran into anyone. A man named Tyler was the last person they ran into.

*Flashback to two months ago* "Who are you!?" Screams Bruce to the man wondering in front of Sam's mother's store. "I'm just a man who's hungry.. ok?" "I understand.. where are you from?" Asks Bruce. "In a cabin. Alone. You?" Asks Tyler. "That's none of your business." Says John with a death stare. "What's your name?" Asks Bruce. "Tyler. Tyler Cooke. What are your guy's name?" "Bruce. My name is Bruce and this is my friend, John. We can let you in but just this once. Ok?" "Thank you Bruce." Says Tyler with a sigh of relief. "Tyler, follow me. Just stay away from John. He doesn't like strangers." "You got it." Says Tyler with confusion.

"You show up here again, I kill you. You got that Tyler?" Says John with anger. Bruce pulls John aside and says "John, you've got to give people a chance. I know what happened with Mel and Xavier was fucked up but not all people are like them." Xavier was a man who betrayed the group 7 months ago when they were out getting barb wire for their home defenses at a hardware store. He almost killed Elizah, giving Elizah two scars. One on her collar bone and one on her knee cap. But Elizah was able to fight him off and tie him up. Bruce later killed him by shoving him into some undead outside of Sam's house.

Tyler grabs 9 cans of vegetables, two bottles of Advil, and some bandages. "You said you lived alone. What are the Advil and bandages for?" Tyler looks scared and defeated. He then shoves a shelve down and runs out of the store. "What the fuck, get back here!" Screams John. John goes to run for him but Bruce grabs John and says "he's not worth it brother. Just let him go. I'm sure he has a hurt dog or something."

*back to present day* "John, we need to go to the store, we're low on food." Explains Bruce. Bruce and John get into John's car and head to the store. The store looks lit up and open. "What the fuck?" Says john. John pulls up to the store closer and stops. A gun barrel taps John's window. "Get out John. Or die. Really doesn't matter to me." Mutters Tyler with a smirk.

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