"Well, what do you think?!"

Alexa suddenly asked...


I voiced out cluelessly...

"What do you think of having a baby?"

She asked while pulling out her phone...

"Oh! Umm, I don't know. Maybe one day... anyways, do you and Eric plan on getting married soon?"

"I should be asking you that. When are you and Ren..."

She paused what she was about to say and I noticed that she was looking at the ring on my finger...

"You're still wearing it?"

She asked awkwardly as she put her phone down on her lap. I never told anyone about the ring that Elijah gave me, except for Alexa...


I replied awkwardly as silence took over us. It stayed quiet for a while until we finally reached our destination.

"I'm sorry I brought it up," she apologized before taking her seatbelt off.

"No, it's fine...I haven't talked about him in a long while," I said before turning off the ignition.

"Do you still love him?"

Alexa asked and I wasn't sure what to say, I always thought about just forgetting about him. That's all I wanted for myself, to forget the pain he left on me. I wanted to erase him from my heart, I should say no...that loving him is a thing of the past. But is that what my heart feels?

"I... don't know..."

I answered honestly, I felt somewhat guilty though. Here I am with Ren who I love dearly, yet my heart still seems to ache for Eli somehow.

"It's understandable Luna, it's hard to get over your first love. But I know you'll be happy with Ren, it just takes time. Just try and live the life you want...you only live once."

She said as she took the lollipop from my mouth. I then watched as she began to suck on the candy!


I jokingly shouted as I unbuckled my seat belt...

"I'm pregnant, so I can't be a thief when I'm eating for two," she said with a giggle.

Stepping out of the car, we approached our men that were waiting outside the gates. As we started walking towards them I felt a sudden chill pass through my body! I'm not sure why I did but maybe it's because we're at a place where death is all around us. It is also cold so maybe it could be that? Feeling Alexa grab my hand, it felt comforting as my nerves came at ease.

"You don't have to come to the cemetery if you don't want to. I know it must be hard to face his gravestone after all these years. So I understand if you just wanna go back home," she explained as we got closer to the gate.

"No...I'm okay. I can't always hide away from what happened."

I responded as we approached the guys, they both didn't seem to notice us as they looked like they were deep into their conversation...

"What are you guys talking about?"

Alexa asked with curiosity as she grabbed onto Eric's arm.

"Uhh...nothing, we were just talking about..."

"About your pregnancy!"

Ren nervously explained as he grabbed my hand so suddenly!

"My pregnancy?"

Alexa questioned as Eric averted his eyes. Ren seemed deep in thought trying to come up with something, just what are these guys hiding?

"We were...talking if the kid is gonna be a boy or a girl."

Eric quickly explained as he began to pull Alexa away from us. Ren and I then watched them walk down the path toward the cemetery as we followed behind them...

"Hey, what were you guys talking about?"

I asked Ren while yanking his arm lightly...

"I tell you when we get back home, alright."

Nodding at his response, we began to walk inside the cemetery. I was starting to get the chills again and it wasn't because of the cold. Just something about the graveyard gives me goosebumps. But also...I feel something heavy weighing on my chest for some reason.

"Are you okay? We could always just go home, I know this is probably still difficult for you to face."

Ren said in a supportive gesture...

"I'm really okay, promise."

I said to him as he hooked his pinky with mine, after we caught up with Alexa and Eric, we all came to a stop at a gravestone. It was so uncomfortable and weird to be here, I never told anybody what these people did to me. I didn't want to, it's something that happened long ago, and I would like that to remain in the past. Looking down at Danny's plaque stone, it was set next to the other stone plaques that belonged to the girls that once bullied me back in high school. When Danny disappeared, his body was never found. Even after all these years, they just proclaimed him dead after the police gave up the search.

We all continued to stand there in silence until Eric pulled out a rose from his jacket and placed it on Danny's stone. I understand why Eric visits his grave, they were best friends after all. So I have to respect that, but I could never forgive what Danny almost did to me. I get it, we were all stupid teenagers back then, but that still isn't an excuse for his actions. I'm just grateful that there are no longer toxic people in my life now...

His Demonic Possession: Demonic Series (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now