"I don't want you to be so emo. Can you stop it?"

Jeno takes the boy's hand and starts playing with it,

"I can't help being emo, it seems like my life fell into a pile of shit"

Jaemin leans closer to look into the boy's eyes, "You.. look like Sasuke"

The older starts laughing hard, "You're so freaking random but adorable at the same time"

Jaemin frowns pouting mockingly, "I know right. Sasuke-kun"

"I know right. Sakura-chan", Jeno frowns, mimicking the younger.

"WTF! I aint Sakura, I'm narutOOOO", the boy makes a rasengan with his hands.

"But you said narutOOO in sakura's voice, lmao"

They both keep laughing pushing each other when a boy approaches them,

"Hey, you wanna drink with me? I've got noice whiskey here"

The two look at each other, then at the boy.

"Sure, I'd have a drink with sakura-chan", Jeno pokes the younger.

"Staaaph it, you're gonna scare the guy, if we go crackhead mode", Jaemin turns to the stranger, "I'm Jaemin, this is Jeno"

The boy shakes hands with them eagerly,

"I'm Mark", he hiccups pouring the drink into glasses and passing them to the boys, "and I'm already drunk, so don't worry"


Jaemin and Jeno get drunk after some glasses of whiskey and start dancing like there's no tomorrow.

"Gashina" starts to play and they totally lose it acting like a couple and copying the dance.

Jaemin mockingly shots the older and he grabs his heart, squeezing his eyes. Meanwhile Renjun is nothing better, grinding on three girls at the same time while dancing.

"I'm a daddy here, wwoohhoo, fight for me, babes"

They keep on dancing and drinking until the ground starts to float under Jeno's feet. Apparently, the boy has a terrible alcohol tolerance. He holds onto Jaemin for dear life and barely mutters,

"Take me home.. I'm gonna die at my own home.."

The younger complies and immediately grabs Jeno by his waist, leading him to the exit.

He catches a taxi and the boy falls asleep inside as soon as they get in. Jaemin looks at him and puts a hand on his flushed cheek.

"He's got a temperature"

They arrive to the older's house and Jaemin heads straight to his bedroom. He helps the boy take off his shoes and heads to the kitchen, searching for some medicine. Finally he finds some powder and makes a hot drink, rushing to the older's bedroom afterwards.

Jeno sleepily looks at him, then grabs his glasses from the drawer. He fixes them on his nose and observes the hot liquid offered to him.

"Drink it. You have a temperature"

The boy complies and empties the cup in some minutes while the younger looks at him, with a hand on the older's forehead.

Jeno puts the cup on the drawer and faces Jaemin, "Thank you, my precious"

Jaemin just shakes his head slightly and he looks at him for a while, observing the younger's face. Then he raises his hand to Jaemin's face and starts to gently rub the boy's lips with his thumb, causing him to shudder and emit a sigh.

Their eyes meet and his thumb travels to the boy's nose, eyes, cheeks.

"What are you doing?", Jaemin softly utters but doesn't stop him.

Jeno gets closer and closer, putting his forehead to the younger's finally. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I don't know, my dear Jaemin. I'm so drunk. I'm trying hard not to kiss you"

"You don't need to, my love. I will"

Jaemin takes the older's hand from his face and puts it on his pounding heart before capturing his lips for a soulful kiss.

I don't know, to me, Jaemin and Jeno perfectly match each other. I can't break this otp.

Just Dudes Being Guys (or gays) // nomin/jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now