fifty seven - deep shit

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"So you're telling me there's no way at all we can talk to them, or even bail them out?" Cameron stands at the counter, frustratingly rubbing at her temples.

"Ma'am, just like I've told you before... they're on a murder charge, and they caused a huge scene. There is absolutely no way you can see them today. You can try calling tomorrow, or coming up here. They'll be in a holding cell until they get an attorney, or one will be provided for them." the officer explains.

I huffed sadly, "Let's just go, Cam. I'll just call in the morning or come up here like they said."

She grumbled, snatching our attorney paperwork out one of the officer's hands. Walking out to Ethan's car, I felt a pang of overwhelming emotions starting to build up once more. This time I kept it all inside... I need to be strong for my boyfriend and our friends. 

The drive back to Ethan's house wasn't that bad— although it was extremely quiet the whole time. I'm glad Cameron didn't say too much, I am already putting up a horrible lie about me being "fine".

"You coming inside?" Cameron asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm just gonna go clear my head."

She nods, "Well call me if you need anything."

I give her a small nod, finally taking off into the early dawn. 

Needing to still have a moment alone, I drive to a nearby park, taking a seat on a spot in the damp grass. Lying down I watch the sunrise, thinking about how things are so messed up. He can't even make bail— not only him, but all the guys. I'm pretty sure Ryan passed out about twenty times already.

"Why must you be such a bad ass, E? Now I can't bail your bad ass out. Which will cause me to get you all kinds attorneys." I whisper to myself, gazing at the sunrise peeking out behind the many of trees, and the huge jungle gym set.

I just want him back.



"When can I get my phone call for the day? I've been asking and no one seems to be listening to me. It's a very important call." I speak to the guard, as I hold onto the cell bars, poking my head out.

"I don't know Dolan, did you not start that fight today at lunch."

Groaning loudly, I head back to my bed.

"He won't let you call either, huh?" Jason spoke, too preoccupied to look up from his coloring book.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think its a hate thing against all of us."

He nodded, finally looking up at me sadly.

We officially been in the police custody for three days now. They had to move us to a jail, were we all would await for our trials. We all stupidly assumed it was just because of the murder situation, but in reality we are wanted men. We have been for a while.

And boy are those police officers glad to have us all here. They're making us suffer the price of running from them. My sister was allowed to see us yesterday, and she had gave me suggestions of good attorneys, who are willing to represent my case and my plead bargain. I met with some, and all of them said they same thing.

Life in prison.

It sucks ass because I won't have my trial until the judge has an open spot. He's supposedly all booked up, with sending criminals to jails and prisons.

So I being thee Ethan Dolan... has to wait a one month. That means I have to stay in jail until then. I got bunked in a cell with Jason, only because Grayson and I can't. We're family members, and family members can't bunk with one another. Josh, and Grayson are sharing, and Ryan and Za and Kian are sharing.

"Did you see Gray today?" Jason asked, beginning to do a pull up on a metal pole.

"Yeah, but it was only walking back to our cell." Out of boredom, I started doing a couple of push ups.

"I've been to jail and juvenile hall, but I've never been to prison, Ethan. I'm twenty one years old, going through a murder trial."

I got up, giving him a bro hug. "Everything's going to be alright, we'll get through this." He sighed, walking over to his bed lying down.

"I hope Ethan, I just hope. One things for sure though." He stared at me, with his hands folded behind his head.

"What's that?" I question confused as ever.

"We are definitely in some deep shit here. There will be some type of time required for us to serve."

Reluctantly I agreed with his fact. "That is unfortunately true." I walked over to my bed, lying down as well.

I missed my beautiful Jasmine's eighteenth birthday. I wanted to throw a huge party for my special girl. We had it all planned out too. It was going to be a surprise party, I couldn't wait to see her face. But me being in this shithole has made it hard.

Lord I need a miracle.

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