thirty - better

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"I-I don't know." I stuttered.

"Yes you do. Do you love him or not?" He asked me. "He loves you. Do you love him?"

Honestly I don't know. For so long I hated how he loved me. I wished he didn't want me. A month ago I hated him. What changed?

Fuck I just need to say it.

I'm falling for him.

"I love him."


Did I just say that out loud?

Silence took over the both of us. I nervously looked over at Grayson, awaiting the smart remark he was about to say. To my surprise, he stayed silent while a small smile formed at the ends of his lips.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. "Please don't tell Ethan." I begged him. The last thing I wanted was Grayson to run his big mouth.

"Why would I tell Ethan?" He asked me, he sounded surprised that I would ask him that.

"Because you're an asshole, it just seems like something you'd do." I told him. I heard him chuckle. Did I just make him laugh?

"I'm not going to tell him. It's not any of my business. But you're gonna tell him." he said and my head snapped up.

"No I'm not!" I said, shaking my head at him.

"Either you tell him, or I will." he shrugged his shoulders, smirking my way.

I can't believe I just admitted that.


"Well Ethan, that was a good beginners session." Dr Braun said, removing his glasses from his face.

"Beginners? You mean I have to come back?" Ethan stood up abruptly.

"Yes, at least once a week." Dr Braun said and Ethan scoffed.

"Don't worry, he'll be back." Grayson said, glaring at Ethan. Ethan rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand.

"Thanks Doc." He muttered, pulling me out of the room.

"Always a pleasure Ethan." Dr Braun laughed.

Ethan stormed out of the room pulling me along with me. I chuckled to myself and Grayson rolled his eyes, following behind us.

We made it to the car in a matter of seconds, Ethan was practically running out of the building. Grayson unlocked the car, sliding into the drivers seat. Ethan offered me to sit in the front, but declined, shaking my head. He opened the back door for me and I got in. Then he closed the door and he got into the front.

We all buckled up and Grayson began driving. Grayson glanced at me a few times in the mirror, giving me looks to not say anything, Ethan didn't seem to notice. We drove in silence, neither Grayson or I daring to ask Ethan about the therapy session. We both knew he didn't want to talk about it.

The drive only lasted twenty minutes, so we we're back to the house soon enough. Once Grayson parked the car, Ethan didn't say anything. He simply got out of the car and opened my door for me. I got out, looking over at him.

Psychotic | E.D (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now